Police: Victim Stabbed Playing Pokémon Game in San Antonio Park
A man was stabbed at a San Antonio park Saturday morning while playing a Pokémon game, according to police.

A man was stabbed at a San Antonio park Saturday morning while playing a Pokémon game, according to police.
Two LAPD officers reportedly ignored a call to respond to a robbery at a local Macy’s to spend time hunting down a Pokémon in the popular mobile game Pokémon Go. Both men were fired from the police department, a decision upheld by an appeals court. According to transcripts from their police cruiser, the duo did capture the popular “Snorlax” character they were chasing at the time of the robbery call.
In a working paper entitled “Death by Pokemon GO,” two Pursue University researchers claim the mobile game phenomenon is responsible for a massive spike in traffic accidents.
After the unmitigated disaster that was Niantic’s “Pokemon Go Fest” in Chicago on July 24, some especially discontent attendees want to take their complaints one decisive step further.
Thousands of irate Pokemon Go fanatics were left empty-handed after hours of waiting to join an event hosted by the mobile sensation’s developer in Chicago.
On Friday, Russian prosecutors sought a three-and-a-half year prison sentence for a 22-year-old blogger and charged him with inciting religious hatred for playing “Pokemon Go” in a church.
Homeowners from Florida, Michigan, and New Jersey have joined a lawsuit against Niantic, the developer of Pokemon Go, for the invasive antics of its most enthusiastic customers.
MOSCOW (AP) — A trial for the blogger who is accused of inciting religious hatred for playing “Pokemon Go” in a church has begun in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.
MILWAUKEE (AP) — “Pokemon Go” monsters can roam virtually wherever they please, but they’ll need a permit to get into Milwaukee County parks.
“Google’s Year in Search” offers a glimpse into the global psyche of the internet by telling us what the world has been asking about. The results are never truly surprising, but they’re quite often illuminating.
The new Pokémon Go Plus is set to be a huge hit by allowing players to catch critters and collect items without ever taking their smartphones out of their pockets.
Half a million Pokemon Go players have been tricked into downloading an app onto their Android phone that does a little more than advertised.
Despite losing 79% of its paying customers, Pokemon Go is still far and away the most successful mobile app on the market.
Sony has been paying special attention to the global success of Pokemon Go, and now they want in on that action.
Russian atheist blogger and YouTube star Ruslan Sokolovsky, who is either 21 or 22 years old according to various sources, has gotten away with some provocative stunts during his career, but apparently catching Pokemon Go inside a cathedral has crossed the line.
Pokémon Go developer Niantic has responded to Sen. Al Franken after he sent a letter about concerns regarding the use of personal data by the company.
SOUTHWEST RANCHES, Fla. (AP) — Authorities say a South Florida man who is a former police officer drew a gun on a driver when he pulled into the man’s driveway to play “Pokemon Go.”
In a shocking video depicting the latest act of mass hysteria around Niantec’s Pokemon Go, players in Taiwan stampeded down a street to capture a Snorlax.
A tweet from the official U.S. State Department account warning Pokemon Go players in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to avoid buried landmines has sparked outrage for its allegedly frivolous nature, but officials insist it is not a joke and intended to keep young players safe.
Comparing the popular children’s game Pokémon Go to Nazism, an Italian bishop has threatened legal action against the company for turning its legions of smartphone-carrying players into “walking dead.”
The 2016 Pokémon World Championships will be held in San Francisco between August 19-21, as the Pokémon Go craze continues.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) teamed up with “The Smiths” and released a retro, 80’s-style video game app titled “This Beautiful Creature Must Die,” set against an arcade-version of the group’s 1985 hit song, “Meat is Murder.”
A Russian woman called the police to say she had been raped by a Pokémon monster from Pokémon Go in her Moscow apartment.
TOKYO (AP) — It was a bit touch and go for Hiroshima officials, but the atomic bomb memorial park in the western Japanese city is now Pokemon No.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranians are no longer allowed to catch Pikachus after authorities decided to ban the “Pokemon Go” mobile game because of security concerns.
On Saturday night, a 20-year-old man was shot and killed while playing Pokemon Go in San Francisco’s Aquatic Park.
Iran has become the first country to ban popular smartphone game Pokemon Go, citing “security concerns.”
Despite Pokemon Go’s massive success, Niantic CEO John Hanke has a vision for a game that operates on an even grander scale — starting on the surface of your eyes.
Japanese Olympic gymnast Kohei Uchimura is apparently just as devoted to becoming a Pokemon master as competing in the Olympics, to the tune of about $5,000.
New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has taken steps to keep Pokemon Go out of the hands of convicted sex offenders.
A couple have been arrested in Arizona after allegedly abandoning their two year son in order to play Pokémon Go, local sheriff deputies have revealed.
Niantic, the company behind the wildly popular Pokemon Go mobile game, has come under criticism from players following an update to the game that has removed key features and blocked all third party tracking apps.
The IDF is warning its soldiers that the new, widely popular mobile phone game Pokemon Go could constitute a new kind of threat.
Catching them all just got harder: Combined with a controversial patch to Pokemon Go, the removal of Pokemon tracking apps like Pokevision has left many players frustrated.
Two Israelis have been taken to hospital in the last 24 hours after sustaining injuries while playing the new popular Pokemon Go app game.
Socialist Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has used his primetime television show to condemn Pokemon Go, accusing the game of promoting “the culture of violence of capitalism” and linking a jihadist attack in Munich to the Japanese mobile phone game.
Nintendo’s Pokemon Go Plus accessory has been delayed in the midst of broader concerns about the corporation’s stock valuation.
The government of Moscow has announced it will soon release a mobile phone game inspired by Pokemon Go that replaces the titular monsters with historical monsters, like Ivan the Terrible. The game is intended to channel interest in Pokemon to nationalist fervor.
Acting on concerns that soldiers on IDF bases playing Pokemon Go could download a lookalike application and inadvertently reveal sensitive data, the military this week banned all usage of the smart phone application on military property.
A new report has revealed that Pokémon Go has not yet implemented an algorithm to prevent mostly young players of the popular app from roaming into areas where there are registered sex offenders.