
Chinese State Media Attacks ‘Absurd,’ ‘Xenophobic’ Rubio-Scott Plan to Limit China Oil Exports

China’s state-run Global Times on Thursday uncorked a furious tirade against “infamous U.S. Republican anti-China senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott” because they dared to introduce a bill called the China Oil Export Prohibition Act, which would halt American exports of oil and petroleum products to the People’s Republic of China while the U.S. struggles to get soaring fuel prices under control.

US senators Marco Rubio (L) and Rick Scott speak to reporters after a meeting with US Pres

Expert: Sri Lanka Has Only 3 Days of Fuel Left

A Sri Lankan petroleum industry leader told reporters Thursday there is a limited amount of fuel to distribute among Sri Lankans and this supply is expected to last no more than two to three days, Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror reported.

Sri Lankans wait in a queue to buy kerosene oil for cooking outside a fuel station in Colo