Pope Francis Pushes Help for Middle Eastern Christians to Return Home
Pope Francis urged the international community to assist Christians forced out of the Middle East as they attempt to return home.

Pope Francis urged the international community to assist Christians forced out of the Middle East as they attempt to return home.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has delivered a Christmas message conveying hope for the year ahead and asked Britons to remember persecuted Christians worldwide who will have to celebrate in secret, saying “that is something I want to change”.
Hungary is making an immediate donation of 30,000 euros to assist survivors and orphans of the Sri Lanka Easter massacre and is discussing an additional larger gift.
Landmark buildings around the world have been lit up in scarlet for “Red Wednesday,” an annual commemoration of persecuted Christians throughout the world.
The future of Christianity in its cradle of Iraq is contingent upon the establishment of a separate province for the persecuted minority, an Iraqi member of parliament recently elected to represent Assyrian Christians argued in an interview with Breitbart News.
Billionaire George Soros is trying to use mass immigration to dilute European ethnic cultures into one anonymous blend, according to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
The Hungarian government has called together key Christian leaders from the Middle East for a three-day conference in Budapest to discuss targeted assistance to persecuted Christians, in which leaders expressed their disappointment in President Trump’s failure to live up to
Under President Donald Trump, more Christian refugees have been admitted to the United States in the first six months of 2017 than Muslim refugees, a departure from the Obama-era.
A Syrian Orthodox nun, hailed as a “modern Mother Theresa” in the German media, has warned that Europe’s refugee policy allows “wolves” in and that devout Muslims pose a threat to the continent.
Pakistan’s Christians should take measures to prepare against a coming wave of attacks by Islamic State (ISIS), the country’s military has warned. They have been contacting churches, individuals, and Christian organisations in the country to inform them that jihadists may
In his Palm Sunday homily, Pope Francis held up persecuted Christians as modern heroes because of their faithfulness to God even in the midst of hardships. They are the ones who follow Jesus on his path of humiliation, Francis said.