
Sony Fires Playstation Executive Accused by Amateur Pedophile Sting Operation

A prominent Sony executive who worked on the company’s massively popular Playstation gaming console has reportedly been fired after being accused by a group of amateur pedophile hunters in an online sting operation. The group claims that George Cacioppo gave his address to someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy for an alleged sexual encounter, but it was really a participant in the sting operation.

video game

Reddit Fires Admin with Links to Pedophile After Mass Protest

The self-proclaimed “front page of the internet” Reddit has reportedly fired an administrator identified as UK transgender politician Aimee Challenor after multiple subreddits went dark in protest of Knight’s position at the site due to Challenor’s links to convicted pedophiles. The site’s CEO sheepishly admitted, “We did not adequately vet her background before formally hiring her.”

Aimee Challenor Reddit