PBS - Page 2

Report Shows How ‘Queer Creators’ Spent Years Pushing the LGBTQ Agenda in Children’s TV Programs

The increase of LGBTQ characters and themes popping up in TV shows made for children in the last decade is not an organic development. It’s the consequence of so-called “queer creators” pushing the LGBTQ agenda and working with major entertainment networks, writers, producers, showrunners, and directors to place sexualized themes into on-screen fare made for young audiences.

From top left going clockwise, two moms on Good Luck Charlie, Blue's Clues Pride Parade, C

Jeff Flake: Trump Using Contested 2020 Election Similar to How He Used Birtherism

Friday during an appearance on PBS’s “NewsHour,” former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) accused President Donald Trump of using sentiment of some Republicans regarding the 2020 presidential election in a similar way that he used the theory of President Barack Obama birth not having occurred in the United States, which some believed raised questions about his eligibility to be president.

Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake (R-AZ) speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hil