Paul Krugman - Page 5

Liberal Bias Starts in High School Economics Textbooks

All across the country, students are studying for Advanced Placement exams coming in the middle of May. Students in AP Economics are taught with Krugman’s Economics for AP by Margaret Ray and David A. Anderson, adapted from Paul Krugman and

Liberal Bias Starts in High School Economics Textbooks

Obamacare: Obama Lied, Our Budget Died

Back on September 9, 2009, President Obama called together a joint session of Congress to listen to him talk about his Obamacare plan. This large-scale PR effort was based on the notion that Obamacare wouldn’t just keep deficits neutral, it

Obamacare: Obama Lied, Our Budget Died

Krugman Excommunicates Politifact For Disagreeing With Him

It’s true that Paul Krugman says some outlandish things- from heartily embracing the criminal Occupy folks to continuing to believe whole heartedly in Keynesian economics well past its sell date, Krugman is happy to beclown himself. Given the opportunity, and

Trust, Growth and Obama

As is well known, the American economy has been in a recession or slogging through with anemic growth over the past three years. Some say this is the new normal or at least a long-term condition. Meanwhile, American firms are

Obama's Second Term: A Cabinet of Curiosities

January 23, 2013 White House, Cabinet Room First meeting of President Obama’s new team OBAMA: Listen up, people. I got myself across the finish line but couldn’t bring Congress along. That’s why you’re here. Except for Defense, you represent the

Important New Evidence on 'Regime Uncertainty' and Government Failure

When I introduced the concept of regime uncertainty in 1997, attempting to improve our understanding of the Great Depression’s extraordinary duration, I anticipated that many people—especially my fellow economists—would not welcome this contribution. Their primary objection, I ventured, would be

Krugman, Keynes, and "The Bleeding Cure"

For a month or so I’ve had this analogy kicking around in my head based on the old medical practice of blood letting. If a patient was sick with just about anything, the answer was to bleed them, literally, and

Paul Krugman: Rick Perry's Economic Adviser

In practice it has turned out to be strongly redistributionist, but only because of its Ponzi game aspect, in which each generation takes more out than it put in. Well, the Ponzi game will soon be over, thanks to changing

The Cheat Sheet, September 13

The fireworks finally started to go off in last night’s GOP debate and, yes, Perry was the man in the cross-fire. There was plenty of give and take, if you want to let people know what you think, feel free

The Shame of Paul Krugman

As America passed with solemn tribute the murder of 3000 citizens 10 years after September 11th, 2001, social media networks, like Facebook, were filled with tributes, thanks, passages from the bible, and pleas. Amongst those pleas, that we spend no

Obama Smarts vs. American Common Sense

Is Obama Smart? It’s a question that more and more people are asking. His devoted fans like to note that he made it through Columbia and Harvard–supposedly a stark contrast to Rick Perry’s less-than-stellar transcript from Texas A&M, though Obama’s

The Future of Space Exploration

[audio:] Download Podcast | iTunes | Podcast Feed On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Ben Domenech is joined by Rand Simberg to discuss the end of NASA’s manned space program, Paul Krugman’s latest idiocy regarding space, and preview

Paul Krugman Meets E.T.

I’ve poked fun at Paul Krugman for his views on health care and British fiscal policy, and I’ve semi-defended him about unemployment subsidies and housing bubbles. Now it’s time for some more mockery. Back in 2001, Paul Krugman received some

Krugman: A Space Alien Attack Will Save Us

CNNs Fareed Zakaria and the New York Times’ Paul Krugman have solved our economic problems. They’ve decided that a space alien attack will save us. Aside from the guffaw factor of space aliens, there was so much wrong with this

Terrorizing The Progressive Narrative

There is no need whatsoever for conservatives to marginalize those we disagree with on the other side of the aisle by referring to them as stupid or ridiculous because they keep going out of their way to do it for

Revisiting The 'Principle Of Maximum Ruin'

Hey kids, what time is it? It’s time to revisit the “Principle of Maximum Ruin.” The same principle applies today to America, to Europe and to China. If you listen to TV or read the newspaper, then you know that

Krugman's Mistake

The only thing worse than Paul Krugman’s call for even more spending in his article “The Mistake of 2010” is permitting his ideological bias drive his failure to state the obvious. His Mistake of 2010 not only rests squarely on

The End of the American Social Welfare State

Just a year ago, the Obama Administration was on the verge of converting America into a European style social-welfare state. The President had pushed up federal, state and local deficit spending to 41% of our gross-domestic-product (GDP), a level not

Krugman: "Obama is Missing"

In his latest NY Times op-ed, Paul Krugman asks, “What have they done with President Obama?” Krugman longs for the day when President Obama was forceful and transformational, as if that rhetorical facade had any substance in the first place.

Paul Krugman's Absolute Hypocrisy On Libya

Paul Krugman may be a Princeton poster child for Keynesian economics, but I am not sure how being a numbers wonk qualifies this man to comment on U.S. foreign policy that does not involve trade. One cannot deny his academic

Media Matters' Potentially Lethal Distortions On Guns

Everyone wants to keep guns away from criminals, but gun control advocates, such as Media Matters, don’t want to acknowledge that there are costs to disarming law-abiding citizens. Lately Media Matters has particularly been incensed that anyone would point out

Media Matters' Potentially Lethal Distortions on Guns

Everyone wants to keep guns away from criminals, but gun control advocates, such as Media Matters, don’t want to acknowledge that there are costs to disarming law-abiding citizens. Lately Media Matters has particularly been incensed that anyone would point out