Paris attacks - Page 9

300,000 Britons Demand: Close UK Borders Now

More than 300,000 Britons have signed a government petition calling for an immediate halt to all immigration into the UK until the so-called Islamic State is defeated. The petition has been live since September but received relatively little attention until

300,000 britons

Jerry Brown Lowers California Flags for Paris Victims

California governor Jerry Brown ordered the state Capitol to fly its flags at half-staff in honor of the victims of the Paris terror attacks, including the first identified American casualty, California State University Long Beach student Nohemi Gonzalez, 23.

Jerry Brown California Flag (Reed Saxon / Associated Press)

Mizzou Campus Activists and Black Lives Matter Complain About Paris Stealing the Spotlight

Campus activists in America showed their true faces during an international tragedy last night: they are the selfish, spoiled children we knew they were. Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.”

The Associated Press

France May Be Unable to Close Down Borders at this Point

Shortly after the tragic terror attacks that occurred in Paris the evening of November 13, French President Francois Hollande ordered the closing of his country’s borders to prevent anyone involved in the attacks from leaving France. However, carrying out such an order by bringing all cross-border traffic to a halt—even in a country as relatively small as France—is easier said than done.

Pakistan protesters burn the French flag (AP)

Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol: The Least Appropriate Thing Ever

Your country has just been attacked by a wave of at least half-dozen terror attacks. More than 120 innocent people are dead. Upwards of 300 are hospitalized. Your iconic city is trembling in fear and unease. Muslim-extremist barbarians, many of whom you invited to live among you, are cheering, plotting, and anticipating the next round.


Houston Chronicle’s Dylan Baddour: #JeSuisCoulibaly

#JeSuisCharlie? Really? Here is a glaring example of how divorced from reality and aligned with the foes of free speech the mainstream media is today: in a story about the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest that my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), is hosting in May in Garland, Texas, the Houston Chronicle’s Dylan Baddour takes a firm stand in support of the slaughter in the cause of Sharia restrictions on free speech.

Amedy Coulibaly

Obama Calls Terror Attack on Paris Jews ‘Random’ Shooting

President Barack Obama has called the terror attack on Jews in a kosher supermarket in Paris last month an act of random violence, rather than a terror attack or an antisemitic attack. Obama’s remark appears in an interview with Matt Yglesias of The president calls the attackers “violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” He elides past the religion of the attackers or the victims in an attack that claimed four innocent lives.