Orlando Terror Attack - Page 3

Erik Prince: We’re Losing the War Against Islamic Fascism

“We have to acknowledge that we’re in a war against Islamic fascism,” Blackwater CEO and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince told SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on Tuesday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily. “It is Islamic Sunni fascism, or Shia fascism, but it is fascism — that which seeks to force its own adherence, to live a certain way, and to force that way of life onto anyone it contacts.”


Orlando’s Muslim Population Grew 10-Fold in Past Decade

The Muslim community has increased more than 10-fold both in Florida’s Orlando metropolitan area, home to the recent Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)-linked massacre, and St. Lucie County, where terrorist Omar Mateen hails from, reveals the latest U.S. Religion Census, a county-by-county tally of religious bodies in the United States.

MALAYSIA, Kuala Lumpur : Muslim men offer Eid al-Fitr prayers on a street in Kuala Lumpur

Donald Trump: Critics Like Romney Quiet After Orlando Attack Because They Know I’m Right

During his Monday morning appearance on Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said that criticism from establishment Republicans such as Mitt Romney of his security proposals — most controversially including a temporary ban on Muslim immigration — grew decidedly muted after the latest terrorist rampage in Orlando.


More in Sorrow Than in Anger: Trump Calls Romney ‘Sad and Pathetic’

On Monday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon asked GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump if he thought the Republican Establishment, as represented by figures such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, was giving him more grief than his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.


Philip Haney: Orlando Shooting ‘Remarkably Similar’ to San Bernardino, ‘There’s a Lot of Overlap in the Two Networks’

Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney, who said an investigation into radical Islam that might have stopped the San Bernardino jihad attack was scuttled by DHS for politically-correct reasons, joined SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon for a special edition of Breitbart News Sunday on the evening after the Orlando shootings.
