Orange County - Page 4

Did Jerry Brown’s ‘Go-Biz’ Win Orange County for Clinton?

Many states usually squander millions to bribe companies to bring in factories that will employ thousands of blue-collar workers, but California’s ‘Go-Biz’ program will squander a quarter of a billion dollars this year to add just a small number of high-paying, mostly white-collar jobs.

Jerry Brown (Alex Wong / Getty)

Latinos Rally for Trump in ‘Operation Taco Bowl’

ANAHEIM — A group called “Latinos for Trump” held its first rally in Orange County on Sunday, named “Operation Taco Bowl” after an infamous Donald Trump tweet. Hispanics and African Americans joined other Trump supporters in voicing both their support for the Republican presidential nominee and their opposition to the Democratic Party and its nominee, Hillary Clinton.

Operation Taco Bowl (Adelle Nazarian / Breitbart News)

GOP Registration Hits Record Low in Orange County

In Orange County, long considered one of the few bastions of conservatism in California, voter registration trends have been decidedly poor for the Republican Party, with GOP registration dropping below 40% of registered voters for the first time ever.

Sleeping elephant (Gemunu Amarasinghe / Associated Press)