Online Harassment

Packed Crowds at SXSW ‘Online Harassment Summit’

Lol, just kidding. Here are some pictures of the actual event. Serial online abuser Randi Harper, a particularly ironic supporter of the event, spent much of her time anxiously glancing at other people’s phones, looking for GamerGate-supporting spies.


SXSW Caves To Pressure, Announces ‘Harassment Summit’

Digital media festival South By Southwest (SXSW) has caved to media pressure following their decision to cave to online threats last week. Two panels were cancelled last week: one on gaming culture and integrity in games media, and another on “harassment

Shelby Drummond/Flickr

Progressive Media Pressures SXSW to Only Restore Anti-GamerGate Panel

Digital media festival South By South West (SXSW) faced frenzied criticism from across the tech media this week after it cancelled two panels on gaming, with Vox Media and BuzzFeed promising to boycott the festival. Yet much of the outrage was confined to the cancellation of just one of the panels: the one that reinforced progressive narratives.

Shelby Drummond/Flickr