Fitton: We Sue Office of Director of National Intelligence for Failure to Produce Legally Mandated Report on Russia’s Election Meddling

We are a year into the Trump administration, and we’re still trying to get a grip on why the agencies that report to him continue to slow-walk the release of information the public rightfully should have. The latest instance involves alleged Russian meddling in European elections, something we think the administration would want to be known.

Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to a question during a meeting with the students

Obama Transfers Two Guantánamo Detainees to Serbia, One to Italy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration has transferred three prisoners out of the U.S. military detention facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, in the last few days — one was taken to Italy and two were sent to Serbia, bringing the prison population down to 76, according to the Pentagon.

US Navy guards escort a detainee through Camp Delta, June 10, 2008. REUTERS/DOD/1ST LT. SA

Bin Laden: Confronting Climate Change Insult to Allah’s Will

Usama bin Ladin (UBL) was an adherent of climate change who argued that fighting the phenomenon is an arrogant Western insult to Allah’s will, according to recently unclassified documents recovered during the raid on the compound where the al Qaeda leader was killed.

Osama bin Laden outside