Nuevo Laredo

Cártel Los Zetas Afirman en Video que No Atacan a Civiles en Ciudad Fronteriza Tras Días de Balaceras

Una de las organizaciones criminales más violentas, que ha sido vinculada a miles de desapariciones forzadas en México, ha hecho un video en el que afirman que no atacan a civiles y piden a la comunidad que continúe con su vida diaria. El video llega en un momento en que existe una intensa presión del gobierno de los Estados Unidos para no solo para etiquetar a los cárteles hiperviolentos como grupos terroristas, sino para erradicarlos.

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Los Zetas Faction Leader Behind American Consulate Attack in Mexico Pleads Guilty in U.S. Federal Court

The man responsible for establishing a reign of terror in part of Mexico’s northern border region pleaded guilty to several drug trafficking and money laundering charges in a U.S. federal court. He is facing a possible life term in prison. That cartel boss is not only responsible for ordering hundreds of forced disappearances and establishing clandestine gravesites in northern Mexico but his gunmen are directly linked to a brazen attack on the U.S. Consulate building in Nuevo Laredo.

Mexican military forces move El Huevo after his arrest. (Credit Mexico's National Def

Cierran Casi 200 Oxxos en Nuevo Laredo Por Narco-Violencia

Una de las cadenas de tiendas de conveniencia más grandes de México ha cerrado todas sus sucursales en la ciudad fronteriza de Nuevo Laredo luego de una serie de amenazas de la organización terrorista Cártel del Noreste, facción de Los Zetas. El cierre masivo de casi 200 tiendas se produce en un momento en que el gobierno de Tamaulipas sigue siendo impotente contra los diversos cárteles de la droga que gobiernan el estado.

Closed Oxxo

Arizona Teen and Mother Kidnapped in Cartel-Controlled Area of Mexico

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is asking for help in locating an Arizona teenage female and her mother who are believed to have been kidnapped while traveling in northern Mexico. The kidnapping is believed to have occurred along a stretch of highway where the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas has abducted dozens of innocent victims who have never been heard from again.

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Ten Cartel Gunmen Killed, 4 Cops Injured in Mexico During Border State Shootout

Ten cartel gunmen died, and four police officers sustained various injuries during a shootout in Mexico on a highway that connects the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, with the Monterrey, Nuevo León, metropolitan area. Nuevo Laredo is tightly controlled by the Cartel del Noreste faction of Los Zetas — one of the most ruthless criminal organizations in Mexico which is responsible for thousands of kidnappings, murders, and forced disappearances.

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VIDEOS: Shootouts Spread Terror in Cartel-Controlled Border City in Mexico

While the governor in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas claims his state is safe, large-scale shootouts involving cartel paramilitary forces and Mexican authorities continue to spread terror among locals. Due to the intensity of one of those shootouts in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, the city’s mayor was forced to send out social media warnings asking the public to shelter in place. Surprisingly, the U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo, which had been diligent in issuing warnings of shootouts in the city, remained silent during the clashes.

Los Zetas Gunmen

Kidnapped American Rescued in Mexican Border City

FBI agents teamed up with U.S. Border Patrol agents and Mexican military officials to rescue a U.S. citizen being held by kidnappers in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Nuevo Laredo is the headquarters for Los Zetas Cartel, also known as CDN. The rescue effort led to the recovery of 14 others being held against their will by the cartel.

Mexican military soldiers rescue a kidnapped Texas woman. (\U.S. Border Patrol)

GRAPHIC: Military Kills 7 Los Zetas Gunmen During Mexican Border City Shootout

Mexican Army soldiers killed seven Los Zetas gunmen who had set up an ambush attack. Two of the gunmen were the personal bodyguards of a regional cartel boss. The shootout is the latest bout of violence in the border city of Nuevo Laredo where the criminal organization has historically set their base of operations.

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GRAFICO — Familia Inocente Muere en Fuego Cruzado de Narco Balaceras en Nuevo Laredo

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Una familia de cuatro, incluyendo dos niñas pequeñas, murieron por fuego cruzado luego de quedar atrapadas en una feroz batalla armada donde sicarios intentaban emboscar a un convoy de tropas de la Marina mexicana. Los combates también provocaron la muerte de un marino mexicano y que otros 12 marinos fueran heridos de gravedad; las autoridades lograron matar a cuatro de los sicarios.

Los Zetas

GRAPHIC — Family of Four Killed in Crossfire During Mexican Border City Battle

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — A family of four, including two young girls, died after getting caught in the crossfire of a fierce battle as cartel gunmen tried to ambush a Mexican Marine convoy. The incident also led to one marine dying with 12 others seriously injured. Authorities managed to kill four attackers.

Los Zetas

Soldados Decomisas Droga Que Los Zetas Acababan de Recibir en Frontera

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Presuntos narcotraficantes que pertenecen al Cartel del Noreste fueron sorprendidos y detenidos por soldados mexicanos en los momentos en que bajaban un cargamento de mas de 600 kilos de marihuana que recién les había llegado.

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Los Zetas Drug Load Seized by Mexican Military in Nuevo Laredo

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Suspected smugglers with the Cartel Del Noreste, the main faction of Los Zetas, were caught by Mexican soldiers as they were in the process of unloading a new shipment of more than 1,400 pounds of marijuana that they had just received.

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WATCH: Mexican Border Mayor Dives for Cover near Cartel Shootout

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Mayor Enrique Rivas was forced to dive for cover after cartel gunmen opened automatic fire in a clash yards away from a public event. While the mayor was not a target, military forces moved him as a security precaution.

Nuevo laredo shooting

Gobierno Estatal Fronterizo Ofrece Recompensa por Información Sobre Periodista Asesinado

El gobierno del estado de Tamaulipas ha intensificado sus esfuerzos en la investigación de un periodista asesinado en la ciudad fronteriza de Nuevo Laredo ofreciendo una recompensa en efectivo por cualquier información que conduzca a las personas que están detrás de ello. La organización criminal conocida como Cártel Del Noreste tiene un control férreo en esa ciudad y ha logrado sofocar a los medios locales.

Tamaulipas murdered journalist

Cartel Silencia Prensa Fronteriza Para No Cubrir Homicidio de Periodista

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Los medios de esta ciudad fronteriza sufrieron la denominada ley mordaza en sus publicaciones ante el asesinato de un respetado periodista este fin de semana. La orden de no reportar sobre el homicidio ni hacer protestas o llamar la atención al caso vino de parte del cartel que domina esta ciudad.

Los Zetas

Los Zetas Cartel RPG, Military-style Arsenal Found near Texas

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — The criminal organization known as Los Zetas managed to amass a military arsenal in this border city that included Russian-made RPGs, .50 caliber rifles, grenade launchers, machine guns, and thousands of ammunition rounds.

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Comandante Zeta Asesinado en Penal Fronterizo

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Un jefe de plaza de la zona centro del estado de Tamaulipas perteneciente al cartel de “Los Zetas Vieja Escuela”, fue muerto a cuchilladas en la penitenciaria de Nuevo Laredo, frontera con Texas y donde tenía pocos días del haber sido ingresado.

Tamaulipas Prison Raid