Donald Trump Hits John Kerry ‘Shadow Diplomacy’ on Iran Deal
President Donald Trump criticized former Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday in response to a report detailing his lobbying efforts to save the Iran deal

President Donald Trump criticized former Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday in response to a report detailing his lobbying efforts to save the Iran deal
The NRA put out a tweet to members urging them to “steer clear” of Ellen’s restaurant because of the business’s expressed support of “reasonable” gun regulations.
Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC-8) spoke to Breitbart News at the NRA convention in Dallas, Texas, on Friday about the plight of national reciprocity.
Hollywood stars took to social media on Friday and took swipes at President Donald Trump during his fiery speech to the National Rifle Association Conference.
The hospital in Sadiq Khan’s London which U.S. President Donald Trump described as a “war zone” following a wave of deadly knife attacks has issued a statement responding to the controversy.
President Trump highlighted reports of London looking like a “war zone” amidst surging knife crime, as he defended U.S. gun laws at the National Rifle Association (NRA) conference.
Friday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” gun control advocates and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors Cameron Kasky and David Hogg discussed President Donald Trump’s speech in Dallas during at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Leadership Forum. Kasky said,
While speaking to the NRA convention on Friday, President Trump recalled Gonzales, Texas, and the battle cry of “Come and Take It” to express his determination to protect the American people’s right to keep and bear arms.
“Thank you Kanye, thank you!” Trump said, pointing to a recent Reuters poll showing his support doubling among African-Americans.
“Full endorsement for this man — Ted Cruz,” Trump said at the beginning of his speech.
President Donald Trump took the podium at the NRA Leadership Forum amid massive applause, thanked NRA leadership and the “American patriots of the NRA,” then launched into a speech re-affirming that our natural rights originate in God.
The pro-amnesty for illegal aliens U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending $300,000 in Ohio’s 16th Congressional District race against populist conservative State Rep. Christina Hagan, who has committed to supporting President Trump’s “America First” agenda on immigration, trade, and foreign policy.
When Yeti Coolers cut ties with the NRA Foundation Breitbart News decided to take a broad look at offerings in the cooler market, hoping to find a quality cooler made by a company that was not ashamed of the Second Amendment.
The NRA confirmed Tuesday that President Trump will not only attend this weekend’s Dallas convention but will speak during the NRA Leadership Forum as well.
Banks and credit card companies are exploring ways to detect when their customers are purchasing firearms and/or firearm accessories.
On this week’s episode of Bullets, AWR Hawkins discusses how the NRA broke a 15-year record in March by receiving nearly $2.5 million in donations. Perhaps more importantly, the majority of the gifts were in the sum of $200 or
May 4 is the day President Trump and Vice President Pence will be at the meetings, and outlets like the Associated Press and Washington Times reported the ban on concealed carry in a way that made the NRA appear culpable.
Kanye West shaved in his head and tweeted a photo of it Saturday in tribute to Parkland school gun control activist Emma Gonzalez, who he called his “hero.”
The NRA is reacting to the backlash against Yeti Coolers by suggesting pro-gun Americans consider covering the Yeti name with an NRA sticker rather than blowing the coolers to smithereens.
A White House official announced on Monday morning that President Donald Trump will be attending the NRA’s Annual Meetings (NRAAM) in Dallas, Texas.
Actress and gun control activist Alyssa Milano has launched a petition demanding that Vice President Mike Pence skip the NRA’s upcoming annual meetings.
Approximately 2,000 people rallied for gun rights Saturday at the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol. Many of those in attendance were carrying handguns or rifles. American flags and Gadsden flags were carried by many attendees as well.
Student gun control activist David Hogg attended Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner and campaigned against the NRA as he mingled with members of Congress.
The organization “Women For Trump” is releasing their newest ad campaign for Ohio’s 16th District congressional candidate Christina Hagan, calling her “a strong supporter of President Trump.”
The NRA joined with the California Rifle and Pistol Association in suing California over the law limiting Californians to purchasing ammunition from in-state vendors only.
Alyssa Milano is calling fellow activists to join her in Dallas, Texas, May 5 to protest Vice President Mike Pence and the NRA Annual Meetings.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor Patricia got herself in a bit trouble earlier this year for her conduct during an NRA protest.
The NRA broke a 15-year fundraising record by taking in nearly $2.5 million for its Political Victory Fund in the month of March alone.
“He’s running like Bernie Sanders,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) of his 2018 U.S. Senate Democrat opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke. He offered his remarks during a Tuesday interview with SiriusXM hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak on Breitbart News Tonight.
Ohio’s “America First” congressional candidate, State Rep. Christina Hagan (R), who is running in the state’s 16th district against the Republican establishment, says she will promote a plan once in Congress to “stop sending our dollars overseas.”
A month after speaking at the March for Our Lives in his hometown of Austin, Texas, Matthew McConaughey says he supports some gun control but fears the youth-led movement could be “hijacked” by those hoping to eliminate all guns in the United States.
NRA President and current Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF) Executive Director Marion Hammer says Yeti coolers demanded the NRA cease using the cooler company’s logo after the Parkland school shooting.
On April 21 Breitbart News reported on a NRA-ILA statement which said Yeti Coolers had cut ties with the NRA Foundation.
A small group of mostly high school students gathered in front of the White House on Friday as part of the National School Walkout, an anti-gun protest launched by a Connecticut teen following the shooting deaths of 17 people at a Florida high school in February.
Hollywood gun control proponents including Amy Schumer, Jimmy Kimmel, and Alec Baldwin are launching a initiative to take down the NRA.
Former President Barack Obama urged on liberal student activist groups in a special essay published by Time magazine recognizing the top 100 most influential people in 2018.
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) cut ties with Wells Fargo Thursday over the bank’s refusal to end its relationship with the NRA.
Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe has banned his office from conducting business with any company involved in a boycott of the NRA.
The drive comes after left-leaning activists, students for gun control, and media outlets in lockstep with both spent weeks flooding the airwaves with calls for more gun control following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Celebrities who double as gun control proponents were largely silent following the shooting at YouTube’s San Bruno, California, headquarters. Their silence was likely the result of the fact that they could not parlay the shooting into something supportive of more firearm restrictions.