Nobel Peace Prize - Page 3

Peres ‘Fighting for Life’ as Condition Worsens

Israeli ex-president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres has seen a serious deterioration in his health and was “fighting for his life” Tuesday after suffering a stroke earlier this month, a source close to him said.

Israel's former president and Nobel peace laureate Shimon Peres addresses the Jerusal

Israel’s Peres Hospitalised for ‘Irregular Heartbeat’: Office

Jerusalem (AFP) – Former Israeli president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres was rushed to hospital on Sunday after feeling chest pains and being diagnosed with an “irregular heartbeat”, a spokeswoman said. Peres will stay overnight at a Tel

The Associated Press

Peres Recovering After Heart Scare: Doctor

JERUSALEM (AFP) –  Former Israeli president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres was making an “excellent” recovery on Friday after treatment for a heart problem, his surgeon said. “His condition is excellent, the widening of the artery was successful,” professor

The Associated Press

Ex-Israeli President Peres Hospitalised For Heart Problems

JERUSALEM (AFP) –  Former Israeli president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres, 92, was hospitalised Thursday for cardiovascular problems and is in stable condition after a medical procedure, his spokesman said. Peres was hospitalised “after experiencing chest pains,” the spokesman

The Associated Press

Nobel Peace Prize Won By Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet

OSLO, Norway – Tunisia’s National Dialogue Quartet won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for its contribution to building democracy after the Jasmine Revolution in 2011, the Nobel Committee said. The quartet is made up of the Tunisian General Labour Union

Kaci Kullmann Five, head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, arrives to announce the winner

Former Nobel Secretary Says Obama Peace Prize Was a Mistake

Contessa Brewer of CBSN, CBS News’ live streaming video news channel, reported the former secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize committee, from 1990-2015, Geir Lundestad, now says President Barack Obama’s 2009 prize was a “mistake.” In his new book Geir


Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama is Now Largest International Arms Dealer since WWII

Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Barack Obama has become the largest international arms dealer since the end of WWII, according research done is a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). With more than $160 billion in arms sales during his first five years as President, Obama has outpaced the former leader in this category, President Richard M. Nixon.

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