monuments - Page 4

Fourth Circuit: 90-Year-Old Cross-Shaped Monument to WW1 Dead Is Illegal

Wednesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ordered the removal of a Bladensburg, Maryland, World War I memorial because its 40-foot tall cross shape violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, reversing a lower court ruling that would have preserved the monument and drawing impassioned reactions from litigants and observers throughout the week.

Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial, Bladensburg, Md.

Jackie Mason: Symbols of Whole Foods Must Come Down to End Persecution of Fat People (Exclusive)

In this week’s exclusive clip for Breitbart News, Jackie wonders how far the left is going to take its monument-erasing craze, which has seen liberal activists across the country campaign hard for the removal of statues of Civil War Confederate figures, and also statues of practically any historical figure with a questionable past, including legendary explorer Christopher Columbus.


A History of Subversion: The Left’s Attack on American Heritage, Monuments Goes Far Beyond the Trump-Era

Despite the media and their Democratic counterparts working full speed to spin the lie that threats of political violence are on the rise in a polarized Trump era – with the Confederate monuments, they claim, serving as an “obvious flashpoint” – the events that took place in Charlottesville on August 12, and what President Trump said or didn’t say in the days after, did not lead to this.
