Kansas, Idaho Weigh Lowering Concealed Carry Age from 21 to 18
Bills to lower the minimum concealed carry age from 21 to 18 are on the move in Kansas and Idaho.

Bills to lower the minimum concealed carry age from 21 to 18 are on the move in Kansas and Idaho.
Tennessee Rep. State Sen. Brian Kelsey (R) is cozying up with Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action., a gun control group.
Gun control advocate David Hogg is urging fellow gun control proponents to fight efforts to arm Florida teachers for self-defense.
A report from Reuters reveals that a “top priority” for Moms Demand Action is being sure teachers remained unarmed in Florida classrooms.
A “gun safety” instructor for Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action held a pistol by the tip of the barrel during a meeting with the League of Women Voters in Lewiston, Idaho.
Michael Bloomberg funded-Everytown for Gun Safety released a PSA Thursday featuring Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox, Susan Sarandon, and other celebrities urging people to vote for gun control candidates November 6.
Congressional candidate Katie Porter (D) wants to turn CA-45 blue and force California gun control on the entire country.
The city council of Missoula, Montana, passed two gun bans Monday night, one of which became effective immediately.
An undercover project by Project Veritas reveals Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-MO) staff praising her ability to hide her gun control support from Missouri voters.
The NRA is lowering Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum’s (D) grade to “Fx” to highlight his to ties to Michael Bloomberg-sponsored gun control groups.
Moms Demand Action is fighting to ensure Arkansas teachers cannot shoot back if present when one of their schools is attacked.
Shannon Watts used the Jacksonville shooting as a springboard for a new gun control push and she did so before the details of the Jacksonville shooting had been released.
Marine Gunnery Sgt. (ret.) Jessie Jane Duff mocked the “dainty” way Congressional primary candidate Maura Sullivan (D-NH-1) held an AR-15 while calling for a ban on the weapon and other restrictions on the Second Amendment as well.
The New Mexico gubernatorial candidate seeking a ban on “high magazine cartridges” is now campaigning on firearm confiscation orders and universal background checks.
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts says gun control wins “like drips on a rock.” Watts’ group held a “Gun Sense University” Friday in Atlanta, with the goal of encouraging gun control advocates to run for office and secure restrictions on the Second Amendment.
Congressional candidate Tedra Cobb (D-NY-21) says she supports banning “assault rifles” but cannot publicly admit it because gun control support would cost her the election.
Congressional candidate Pat Davis released a new ad Friday that opens with him looking into the camera, saying, “F*ck the NRA.”
The NRA joined with the California Rifle and Pistol Association in suing California over the law limiting Californians to purchasing ammunition from in-state vendors only.
Popular streaming device manufacturer Roku has refused to censor NRATV, following mob pressure and protests from Moms Demand Action.
Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action is urging Amazon, Apple, and YouTube to cut ties with NRATV.
Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts claims Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) opposition to universal background checks is equivalent to opposing laws to stop the murder of small children.
Organizers of a suicide prevention walk are denying participation to the Brady Campaign and Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action.
Gun control proponent Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, has aborted her political aspirations but makes clear she will continue to fight for further restrictions on the Second Amendment.
Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety gave $1 million to gun control candidates in Virginia and made clear that the million is only an “initial investment.”
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is currently running a secret war on concealed carry for law-abiding citizens.
An armed citizen at Kroger shot and critically wounded a suspect who was allegedly attacking with a metal bar and a pair of pliers.
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts claimed a win on Thursday because one state’s Democrat governor signed a new gun law.
California has universal background checks, gun registration requirements, gun confiscation laws, a ten-day waiting period on gun purchases, an “assault weapons” ban, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry, and a high-profile shooting that garners national attention two or three times a year.
The FBI’s Alexandria report undermines every prominent gun control the Democrats have been pushing for the past 20 years.
A woman wearing a Moms Demand Action button on her lapel told Inside Edition that the depiction of President Trump being murdered on stage is just “theater” and “everybody knows it’s theater.” The comments come as Delta, Bank of America,
Gun control proponent Shannon Watts is urging women to run for Congress with the goal of instituting gun control once in D.C.
Gun control proponent Shannon Watts, founder of the Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, claims the “gun lobby” is using the term “suppressor” instead of “silencer” as a way to confuse members of her group.
Actress Sarah Wynter has warned that Republicans’ push for national reciprocity of concealed carry permits will mean the blind and mentally ill will be carrying guns.
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts says she and her group “will not be silenced,” that they will protest at President Trump’s upcoming NRA speech.
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts suggested President Donald Trump’s pro-gun administration is the ‘NRA’s Dream’ but America’s nightmare Sunday, during an appearance MSNBC.
During an April 16 appearance on MSNBC, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts suggested “caring Americans” support gun control, while others support or at least tolerate “the gun lobby.”
Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety is pledging $25 million to fight the passage of National Reciprocity for concealed carry and to defeat pro-Second Amendment members of Congress in 2018.
On Thursday Iowa’s Senate passed legislation which will allow residents of the state to sue local governments over gun-free zones if they can prove they were endangered or “adversely affected” by the zones.
California State Assemblywoman Catherine Baker (R-Dublin) is pushing legislation to require that warning labels accompany all firearms sold in the state.
Minnesota state Senator Jeff Hayden (DFL-62) is pushing legislation to designate $200,000 in taxpayer funds as annual gifts to gun control groups.