
MILO: Populist, Nationalist Movement Will ‘Survive Trump’

Former Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO appeared on Friday on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 with Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam to discuss the upcoming Free Speech Week in Berkeley and President Donald Trump’s recent DACA decision.

The Associated Press

UC Berkeley Poll: 53% of California Democrats Oppose Free Speech

A new poll conducted by the University of California Berkeley reveals that a majority of California Democrats oppose the First Amendment right of freedom of speech and assembly, at least as it applies to extreme right-wing groups. A plurality (46%) of all Californians feels the same way.

Anti-fascist counter-protesters wait outside Emancipation Park to hurl insults as white na

Turning Point USA Denied Chapter at California Campus

Last week, the student senate at Santa Clara University rejected Turning Point USA, a conservative non-profit organization, from receiving official status at the school because the students believe the group makes other students “feel uncomfortable” and goes against “humanity.”

Turning Points USA (Facebook)