
Chinese Stores Run Out of Basic Medicines as Panicked Citizens Hoard for Coronavirus Surge

A week after Chinese state media confidently boasted that surging production of masks and medicine would turn the massive nationwide Chinese coronavirus outbreak into a marvelous profit opportunity, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) told a very different tale of anguished Chinese coronavirus patents finding store shelves bereft of aspirin, ibuprofen, and other over-the-counter medicines that could make their symptoms more bearable.

BEIJING, CHINA - DECEMBER 04: Security guards wear PPE as they guard outside a community i

UK Medical School Agrees to ‘De-Colonise Curriculum’

The University of Bristol’s Medical School has outlined measures the institution will take to “de-colonise the curriculum”. One of the UK’s top medical schools, Bristol announced it will be taking a range of actions including educating students on medicine’s ‘racist’
