Mary Landrieu - Page 4

Mary Landrieu, the Counterfeit Candidate

When Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu’s first television ad hit the airwaves this week, it purportedly highlighted her “efforts to stand up to the administration in order to fight for Louisiana, and protect and strengthen our energy industry that supports 300,000

Mary Landrieu, the Counterfeit Candidate

The 'No Electric Resiliency Cabal'

Last Thursday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee convened what appeared to be a most timely–and much-needed–hearing. Its title was “Keeping the lights on: Are we doing enough to ensure the reliability and security of the electric grid?” Unfortunately,

The 'No Electric Resiliency Cabal'

Obama Approval Rating Under 50% for 290 Days

President Barack Obama’s Gallup job approval rating has been under 50% for 290 days, a trend that threatens Democrats’ already uphill climb in the Nov. 4 midterm elections. According to Gallup, the last time Obama’s approval rating was at 50%

Obama Approval Rating Under 50% for 290 Days

Insurance Stocks Party Like It's Obamacare

The stock price of UnitedHealth Group Inc., America’s largest health care company, is up +263% since Obamacare was signed into law just over four years ago on March 23, 2010. Over the ten year period prior to Obamacare, UnitedHealth stock

Insurance Stocks Party Like It's Obamacare

There is a Coming Divide for the Democratic Party

We are all well versed about the factions of the Republican Party. From Tea Partiers, to social issues supporters, mavens of foreign policy and establishment GOPers, the rifts are well known. But not so thoroughly discussed are those rifts among

There is a Coming Divide for the Democratic Party

Sarah Palin: Debo Adegbile Shows 'Evil' of Obama's Reign

On the day the U.S. Senate rejected the nomination of Debo Adegbile, who voluntarily gave legal assistance to infamous cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, to the U.S. Department of Justice, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said that she could not wait until

Sarah Palin: Debo Adegbile Shows 'Evil' of Obama's Reign

Krugman Scoop: They Use ACTORS in Campaign Ads!

Paul Krugman, as usual, is leading the left media through the looking-glass–and this time the distortions are not only bizarre but deeply disturbing. Krugman argued several days ago that many of the Obamacare “horror stories” are, in fact, “hooey.” That

Krugman Scoop: They Use ACTORS in Campaign Ads!

'Duck Dynasty' Patriarch Nixes Senate Run Plan

Viewers of the A&E series Duck Dynasty showed their affection for Phil Robertson after the reality show star was suspended for comments taken as anti-gay. Fans flooded social media with outrage, signed petitions demanding Robertson’s reinstatement and forced A&E to

'Duck Dynasty' Patriarch Nixes Senate Run Plan

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

Last week, President Obama apologized for misleading the American public with his false claim that “if you like your insurance, you can keep it.” Without this assurance, it is unlikely ObamaCare would have passed. Obama was not the only politician

10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

GOP Open To Supporting Landrieu Fix

In response to Democrats want GOP fingerprints on ObamaCare: Looks like the Democrats are going to get their wish…. House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., said Wednesday he is open to supporting Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s proposal to

Tell Congress: "Live By Your Laws!"

Every year, Congress finds new ways to tax and regulate you, but the D.C. political elites always go to great lengths to protect themselves from the same laws they pass. Until 1995, Congress exempted itself from compliance with the Age

Tell Congress: "Live By Your Laws!"

Another Democrat bails out of the Titanic

In response to Obama Wasn’t the Only One Who Lied (Video): I see that Mary Landrieu is the latest phony-baloney “moderate Democrat” to jump into a lifeboat and row madly away from the sinking wreck of ObamaCare.  She’s got a

Obama Wasn't the Only One Who Lied (Video)

Vulnerable Senate Democrats from red states are becoming increasingly nervous about their prospects next year because of the lumbering ObamaCare trainwreck.  The Politico reported that Democratic senators running in 2014, Senate leaders and party leaders are telling reporters that the

GOP Should Sell the Individual Mandate Delay

The defeat of Senator Ted Cruz’s defunding strategy may not be the end of the fight to overturn Obamacare. In some sense, for free-market conservatives who want consumer choice and private-sector competition, this whole debate is about good versus evil.

GOP Should Sell the Individual Mandate Delay

Mary Landrieu Doubles Down On ObamaCare

In a state where ObamaCare is extremely unpopular, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) doubled down on it, this weekend, saying that if she had to vote for the bill again, she would vote for it tomorrow. To add insult to injury, she

Senator Landrieu: South Dakota Borders Canada

Breitbart News: While attempting to attack an amendment to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill that would require a fence be built along Mexico’s border with the U.S. before legalization, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) made a significant geographical gaffe. Landrieu,

Senator Landrieu: South Dakota Borders Canada