Mary Landrieu - Page 3

Palin Serves Gator Meat Campaigning for Conservative Rob Maness

On Saturday, former Alaska Gov. and “Mama Grizzly” Sarah Palin held an alligator and served gator meat with “Alligator Hunter” Col. Rob Maness, the conservative Louisiana Senate candidate.  According to the Times-Picayune, Palin and Maness had an event “at Restaurant

Palin Serves Gator Meat Campaigning for Conservative Rob Maness

Clinton: Over 50 Precent Chance Dems Keep the Senate

Friday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” former President Bill Clinton predicted the Democrats will do better than expected in the November midterm election saying, “I think we have a slightly better than 50 percent chance” to hold the Democratic-controlled Senate. Clinton said,

Clinton: Over 50 Precent Chance Dems Keep the Senate

Mary Landrieu Fenced In on Immigration

Louisiana Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu is out with a new ad touting her alleged hard line on immigration, said hard line being a fence. She’s claiming her Republican opponent, U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy is soft on immigration. Unfortunately, Landrieu called a border

AP Goes Along With The WH's Big Lie on Immigration Timing

The AP may not have trumpeted the political ramifications of Obama delaying executive action on immigration until after the mid-terms, but they were unable to completely ignore it, leading to these two incomprehensible, if not incoherent paragraphs within the AP

Democrats Top Roll Call's Endangered Incumbent List

With Montana Democrat Sen. John Walsh dropping out, Democrats Mark Pryor and Mary Landrieu appear to be battling out to top Roll Call’s most endangered incumbent list. Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., is still in a perilous political position, but Louisiana Sen.

Democrats Top Roll Call's Endangered Incumbent List

Mary Landrieu Caught in Residency Flap

According to alleged neighbor Fontaine Wells, 65, of the home Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu has now claimed as her state residence, “I don’t think she lives there. She might come visit, but come on now — she lives in D.C. I don’t

Mary Landrieu Caught in Residency Flap

The NRSC's Remarkable Immigration Statement

Capitol Hill insiders widely consider President Obama’s rumored plan to unilaterally extend amnesty to as many as five million of illegal aliens to be political suicide, essentially ceding control of the Senate in a single act. But a key question

The NRSC's Remarkable Immigration Statement

Mary Landrieu Hit for Living the High Life on Taxpayer Dollars

Following up on several news reports, the organization Keep Louisiana Working (KLW) is hitting Mary Landrieu for using Senate funds for her campaign flights. According to KLW Executive Director Emily Cornell, “As Sen. Landrieu admits to more and more private flights billed

Landrieu's New Subsidy: Cash for Charters

Caught using congressional office funds to pay for expensive charter flights to political fundraisers, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) says her office has been reimbursed for the cost of one flight, which she has paid for with campaign funds. Landrieu also

Landrieu's New Subsidy: Cash for Charters

Landrieu Blocks Bill to Sanction Human Rights Abusers in Venezuela

With the Senate poised to pass a bi-partisan bill imposing sanctions on Venezuelan officials involved in a violent crackdown against peaceful pro-democracy protesters, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairwoman Mary Landrieu teamed up with Citgo to block the pro-democracy legislation. As Politico

Choosing Life over Convenience

As the debate examining prohibiting late term abortions has unfolded, I can’t help but think of my youngest grandson who was born a few years ago, weighing only 2 lbs 5 oz at 28 weeks. After his birth, I spent

Choosing Life over Convenience

Bloomberg Gun Control Push 'Pulling The Trigger' on Red-State Dems

Michael Bloomberg’s latest gun control campaign is “pulling the trigger” on red-state Democrats running for re-election this fall. According to The Hill, the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety group will “begin questioning candidates for state and federal offices about their

Bloomberg Gun Control Push 'Pulling The Trigger' on Red-State Dems

Sarah Palin Endorses Rob Maness for Senate in Louisiana

On Thursday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed Retired Col. Rob Maness, who is the conservative candidate in the race to unseat incumbent Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), in Louisiana’s jungle primary.  “Many of us have encouraged the election of more

Sarah Palin Endorses Rob Maness for Senate in Louisiana

FBI: Gangs Responsible for Nearly Half of All Violent Crimes

While people like Michael Bloomberg lump suicides and firearm-related murders together to inflate gun violence numbers in a bid for more gun control, the FBI issues reports like the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment to demonstrate that, on average, “48 percent

FBI: Gangs Responsible for Nearly Half of All Violent Crimes