Rep. Wesley Hunt Rips Democrat Attacks Against GOP: ‘You Can’t Call Us Racist’
Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt slammed the left for its attempts at presenting the right as “racist” when, he claims, the very opposite is true.

Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt slammed the left for its attempts at presenting the right as “racist” when, he claims, the very opposite is true.
President Joe Biden bungled an attempt to sing “Happy Birthday” to Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter-in-law during a speech on Monday.
Today, Americans of all stripes are constantly bombarded with an insidious propaganda campaign against our shared history. From Critical Race Theory to ripping down historical statues, our national story is being rewritten as irredeemably sinful. These efforts have taken a particularly racialized characteristic by implying that Black history is somehow distinct from, or in opposition to, “American history” itself, rather than an integral part of it.
Raphael Warnock compares far-left hate-preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright to biblical prophets and describes his infamous “God damn America” sermon as a “very thoughtful and compelling discussion on how a Christian should view government.”
Former San Francisco mayor and California State Assembly speaker Willie Brown wrote Saturday that Democrats should stop calling riots “demonstrations” because “burning and looting” will help re-elect President Donald Trump.
Democrats “have to stir up fear, tears, [and] terror” by “saying that President Trump is a racist” said Dr. Alveda King.
Sen. Cory Booker hit Sunday in Selma at people in the “highest offices” who “traffic in hatred” and at those who remain silent and inactive.
Al Sharpton ripped President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Monday for their “drive by” Martin Luther King Memorial visit, saying it was “an epitome of an insult.”
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) declined Monday to condemn Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) for calling on the public to “harass” members of the Trump administration — but said that people should confront them “with love.”
“But Starbucks had racism in its corporate identity long before the April arrests,” King wrote in her Washington Examiner op-ed. “Through its corporate donations, Starbucks contributes to one of the most racist organizations in our nation’s history. Planned Parenthood, the largest single provider of abortions in the U.S., performs more than 300,000 terminations each year.”
“Billy Graham and Martin Luther King had preached together in Madison Square Garden to break through the racial barriers,” said Alveda King, reflecting on the legacy of Bill Graham, who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 99.
Twitter users, including Martin Luther King’s youngest daughter, were seemingly not pleased when Ram used a King quote during their Super Bowl advertisement to sell trucks.
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood, founded by eugenicists seeking to reduce the population of people of color, lauded Martin Luther King Jr. Monday, declaring its commitment to “furthering his dream.”
On Friday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Live With Velshi & Ruhle,” co-host Ali Velshi said President Trump is “sullying” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s name. Co-host Stephanie Ruhle reported on the “sh*thole” story and said, “The president has denied using that
The New Yorker is courting controversy with a new cover depicting Seattle Seahawks anthem-protester and false race accuser Michael Bennett, and original anthem-protester Colin Kaepernick, kneeling next to famed civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr.
The inclusion of salacious gossip about Martin Luther King in the latest release of John F. Kennedy assassination documents serves as a headscratcher before it catalyzes an ah-ha moment.
The sports media’s attempt to turn LeBron James into a civil rights icon has been well documented. But, now the civil rights icons have gotten into the act as well.
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” former Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) argued that FBI Director James Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 election “will go down as probably the lowest
Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren received a stunning monition Tuesday evening from her fellow senators after she quoted from a letter that accused Attorney General-designate Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.) of racism during his tenure as a federal prosecutor.
On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews stated that a clip of President Obama speaking had “a little MLK” and had a “Bible cadence that’s just overpowering, great stuff.” Matthews said, after playing a clip of President Obama
Jets wide receiver Brandon Marshall caused a stir on Tuesday when he called San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick “one of the biggest patriots” for refusing to stand during the national anthem at two recent 49ers preseason games.
Donald Trump said: “Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.” He is absolutely right.
On Monday’s “MSNBC Live” CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent stated that President Obama’s election was “the most dramatic way Dr. King’s promise was redeemed” while discussing an interview with Representative John Lewis (D-GA), who remarked, “Obama being treated different because of
GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson spoke about diversity at the Carolina African American Heritage Foundation’s Corporate Community Awards Breakfast in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina honoring Martin Luther King, Jr on Monday morning.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a good time to assess where we are in relation to Dr. King’s dream. Have we achieved it? Are we closer? Might we be further away? In an interview with The Right Voice, Breitbart News’ Jerome Hudson weighed in on King’s dream and race in America under the leadership of President Barack Obama.
On her Thursday night “The Kelly File” program on the Fox News Channel, host Megyn Kelly hosted a discussion between famed legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and National Review editor Rich Lowry. During the discussion, Dershowitz noted the “provocative” nature of
The Bloody Sunday 50th anniversary commemoration continued Sunday with gatherings and other events in Selma before a group retraces the steps that helped secure equal voting rights 50 years ago.
In an interview with The Daily Caller’s Ginni Thomas published on Sunday, Milwaukee Co., WI Sheriff David Clarke cautioned against making the likes of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown into civil rights figures, arguing doing so desecrates the legacy of
The White House has announced that President Obama will visit Selma on the day that went down in history as “Bloody Sunday.”
January 19 has been set aside as a national holiday to celebrate the life and works of famed civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King. But this year, the holiday was interrupted across the country by #BlackLivesMatter protesters.
The Santa Ann Police department reports that on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 40 homes received plastic bags containing fliers calling King a “communist pervert” and business cards listing contact information for the KKK’s hotline and Web address. The bags also contained a rock and some candy.
When Martin Luther King said, “Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism,” he was talking about individuals rising up against the forces that had kept blacks down, not government intervention.
In the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, the moment when the momentum shifted decisively against Hillary Clinton was when the New York Senator embroiled herself in a controversy over whether President Lyndon Baines Johnson or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deserved
NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” had Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. travel to the year 2015 as part of its intro. Dr. King, who had appeared to help a schoolboy with a paper on him, was briefed on, and reacted to
The cast and crew of Selma will march with local residents in Alabama on Sunday at an event commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.