Study: Unemployment Fuels National Drug Epidemic
The National Bureau of Economic Research published a paper on Monday showing how unemployment pushes many American men and women towards deadly drug addictions.
The National Bureau of Economic Research published a paper on Monday showing how unemployment pushes many American men and women towards deadly drug addictions.
Sticking with an unhappy marriage after the birth of children could be the best decision couples ever make, researchers have found.
Brexit could drive a resurgence in marriage rates and a return to a society built on the sturdy foundation of nuclear families, a former High Court Judge has predicted.
A new, sharia-compliant Turkish marriage guide allows husbands to strike their disobedient wives, counsels women not to talk during sex and suggests that polygamy creates healthy “competition” in a marriage.
A leading cardinal and papal adviser has said that many faithful Catholics are troubled by the state of affairs in the Catholic Church under Pope Francis, despite the pontiff’s popularity.
A couple married for 74 years died just hours apart.
A Saudi man divorced his wife two hours after they got married because she sent wedding pictures on Snapchat, despite having specified in the marriage contract that she would refrain from using social media.
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – A Louisiana legislator behind a policy to prevent illegal immigrants from taking advantage of marriage laws to gain legal residence is coming under fire after a lawsuit questioning the constitutionality of the act was filed.
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – In a new column for The Washington Post, an opinion writer claims “Louisiana isn’t letting immigrants get married,” claiming the alleged move is part of the “country’s latest wave of nativism,” despite not having evidence to back up that broad-based accusation.
Tunisian social media has been abuzz with pictures of a 15-year-old groom and his 12-year-old bride from a remote region in the country.
On Saturday, Pope Francis called gender theory a “great enemy” of marriage, adding that the ideology of gender is part of a global war of ideas out to destroy traditional marriage.
Hobby Lobby founder and CEO David Green authored a USA Today op-ed on Thursday denouncing Hillary Clinton’s militant opposition to traditional Christian beliefs and insisting that her Supreme Court picks would rule against Christians’ rights. He also announced that he is endorsing Donald Trump to ensure a Supreme Court that will uphold Americans’ First Amendment rights under the Constitution.
Republican delegates from across the nation are accepting the work of the 112-member Platform Committee, ratifying a platform that should thrill conservatives of all stripes, starkly contrasting with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.
The left is melting down about Phil Robertson’s speech to the Western Conservative Summit over the weekend in Colorado.
A group of influential Muslim clerics in Pakistan have issued a religious decree (fatwa) stating that transgender people have full marriage, inheritance and funeral rights under Islamic law, though they may only marry those of the opposite biological sex.
In a recent essay in Salon Magazine, the Reverend Elizabeth M. Edman argues for the power of “queer virtue” to combat “heteronormativity” and revitalize a Christianity that is too wedded to traditional ideas of human sexuality and marriage.
For the first time in more than 130 years of record-keeping, young adults in the United States are more likely living with mom and dad than they are living with a spouse or partner.
Speaking on ABC’s The View Wednesday, Whoopi Goldberg voiced her support of divorce as a good and important option for many Christians, since it is found “nowhere in the Bible.”
JAFFA, Israel – The hashtag #Saudi_marries_israeli has gone viral on Saudi social media, although the credibility of the story is in question. Several Saudi news outlets reported on an unnamed Saudi marrying an unnamed Israeli, but presented no evidence that the marriage took
Pope Francis released his long-awaited letter on marriage and families Friday, and despite predictions of radical changes in Church teaching, Francis hewed to the line of his predecessors regarding traditional Catholic doctrine on marriage and family life. In March, progressive
In a historic meeting Friday, Pope Francis met with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill at the Havana airport, and the two signed a joint declaration of common belief and purpose, including a vigorous defense of religious liberty, marriage between a man and a woman, and an unborn’s inviolable right to life.
A California woman pleaded guilty on Tuesday for her part in a fraudulent family business that set up over 100 sham marriages.
Another advocate for gay marriage has come out of the legal closet, declaring in public that most gays actually want to utterly change the ideal of marriage so that 70s-style “open” relationships become the new normal, whether or not their preferences undermine the social expectations that help bind millions of married parents to their young children.
What Americans have long viewed to be the traditional nuclear family arrangement — children living with a working father and stay-at-home mother in their first marriage — is now one of the rarer family structures in the U.S., says a new report from the Pew Research Center.
Socially conservative GOP presidential candidates, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, are responding to a recent report about fellow GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) alleged “double-speak” on protecting traditional marriage.
Half of America’s children have a parent with a criminal record, creating many “barriers to opportunity” for parents and children, says the liberal Center for American Progress.
Retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk almost didn’t make it to retirement, when his lesbian commanding officer relieved him of duty because he refused her order to declare that Americans who believe in traditional marriage unfairly discriminate against homosexuals,
In spite of sensational media claims that Pope Francis suffered a major “defeat” at the hands of conservative bishops during the recently concluded synod on the family, all evidence suggests that the Pope got exactly what he wanted: a frank debate on the situation of Christian families in the world today and how the Church can more effectively serve them.
As the Vatican synod on marriage and the family draws to a close with no significant change in Catholic doctrine or practice, liberals are left nursing their wounds over yet another revolution that didn’t happen.
A law professor at Jesuit-run Fordham University in New York is appealing for an end to the institution of marriage in America, which he describes as “religious, gendered, and bourgeois.” Ethan J. Leib published his essay in the Fordham Law Review.
On Friday, an unprecedented letter written to Pope Francis by thirteen cardinals taking part in the Vatican synod on marriage and the family was published online, revealing contention regarding the revamped synodal process as well as the suitability of the draft document being used to guide the bishops’ discussions.
In a word intended to reassure conservatives, Pope Francis told the bishops gathered in the Vatican Synod on the family Tuesday that Church teaching on marriage is “still valid,” while also urging them to broaden their horizons, instead of focusing on internal questions such as Communion for the divorced and remarried.
More than 130 notable converts to Catholicism have published an open letter begging Pope Francis and the bishops gathered at the Vatican Synod on Marriage and the Family to stand firm in teaching traditional Christian beliefs regarding the permanence of marriage, human sexuality, and the meaning of the family.
In his opening address to bishops gathered in Rome for the Vatican synod on marriage and the family, Pope Francis reminded them that the Synod is not a “Parliament” where participants argue their case or negotiate, but a gathering of believers attentive to the Holy Spirit.
The Pope said that Christian marriage is a cure for much of the solitude experienced by men and women in our own day. Our world, he said is characterized by loneliness and paradoxes. Today we enjoy “many sophisticated means of entertainment, but a deep and growing interior emptiness; many pleasures, but few loves; many liberties, but little freedom.” People need the family, even if they don’t realize it, Francis said.
WASHINGTON—Seventy national conservative leaders have issued a “Memo to the Movement” on the Supreme Court, calling on conservatives to focus Republican presidential candidates on what sort of justices they would appoint. These leaders have one simple demand: “No more surprises.”
On the eve of the Vatican synod on marriage and the family, progressive German Cardinal Walter Kasper has come out publicly against doctrinal “fundamentalism” in the Church, while expressing his hope that the synod will open a “dialogue” on contraception for Catholics and reconsider the situation of homosexuals.
In the lead-up to October’s Vatican Synod on Marriage and the Family, the drafters express their deep concern over what they see as “widespread confusion” over the possibility of divorced and remarried Catholics receiving Holy Communion as well as the acceptance of homosexual unions, which they describe as “contrary to Divine and natural law.” On Tuesday morning, the petition was delivered to the Vatican, requesting that Francis offer “a clarifying word” to dispel the confusion that reigns among many of the faithful around the globe.
At his final celebration in the United States before departing for Rome, Pope Francis told approximately one million people who attended Mass outdoors in Philadelphia Sunday that the simple daily acts of love expressed by family members to each other are what nurture both life and faith.
Pope Francis warns marriage has been stretched and distorted in the United States, to the point where it is no longer even similar to the Christian sacrament of matrimony. The pontiff noted the “unprecedented changes” taking place in contemporary society, “with their social, cultural – and sadly now juridical – effects on family bonds,” referring to the Supreme Course decision in June to legalize same-sex marriage for the entire nation in Obergefell v. Hodges.