Poll: Trump’s Lead over DeSantis Nationally Climbed 20 Points Since July
Former President Donald Trump’s lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has grown by 20 points nationally since July, according to the latest Marquette University poll.

Former President Donald Trump’s lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has grown by 20 points nationally since July, according to the latest Marquette University poll.
Former President Donald Trump has enjoyed a 20-point swing his way since January in a hypothetical head-to-head Republican primary match-up with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), according to a poll.
The Marquette men’s basketball team donned black uniforms and took a knee during the playing of the national anthem on Tuesday night, in response to the decision not to prosecute the officers involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake.
Marquette University reportedly threatened to rescind the admission of a student over TikTok videos that expressed support for President Donald Trump. After a period of uncertainty, Marquette ultimately told the student this week that they would not revoke her admission.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled on Friday that Marquette University wrongly fired a professor for opinions he posted on a personal blog.
Two polls show the presidential campaign f0r the Badger State’s ten electoral votes now closer than President Barack Obama’s seven-point margin over Republican Mitt Romney in 2012, with Democrat Hillary Clinton leading Republican Donald Trump by five points in the Monmouth University poll and three points in the Marquette University poll.
College students at Marquette University in Wisconsin reported they held a “Refugee and Migrant Simulation” this past week “to raise awareness about the refugee and migrant crisis happening throughout the world.”
Professor John McAdams of Marquette University appeared on Breitbart News Daily Friday morning to discuss his defense of traditional marriage, and how politically-correct enforcers are threatening his position at the university.
John McAdams, a conservative professor at Marquette University, has been suspended after criticising a fellow lecturer for refusing to allow same-sex marriage to be debated in class. The suspension will be extended indefinitely unless McAdams “admits his guilt” within two weeks.
The Dean of Marquette University has told conservative professor John McAdams that the university has begun the process of revoking his tenure and firing him.
Professor John McAdams has not only been suspended by the Marquette University administration, he has also come under fire from liberal academics from around the country and has taken fire from at least one fellow conservative. McAdams is the tenured