Mark Kelly - Page 9

7 Things that Should Have Happened at Obama’s Gun Control Town Hall

The gun control town hall CNN hosted for President Obama was very one-sided. The vast majority of the questions directed at Obama were leading questions centered on gun control, while the few questions or comments that were pro-Second Amendment in nature went unanswered or were only partially answered.


Moms Demand Action: Teaching Gun Safety to School Children Is ‘Atrocious’

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America deputy director Jennifer Hoppe says news that Forest Hills Elementary School teaches a gun safety course to kindergarteners—then repeats it to those same students again when they are in third grade—is “atrocious” and a “disingenious” way for adults to dodge the responsibility they face for owning guns.

Johannes Schmitt-Tegge/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

CBS: Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly ‘Avid Gun Owners’

On Sunday, CBS News Sunday Morning aired video of gun control proponents Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly shooting handguns and rifles, then panned to video of the couple sitting in their Tucson, Arizona, home where Giffords talked about the possibility of running for office again.

AP Photo/Tom Uhlman