Mara Salvatrucha

Child Rapist, Violent Criminals Arrested Crossing Mexican Border into U.S.

During the past 10 days, Border Patrol agents arrested a series of violent criminal aliens and dangerous gang members after they illegally crossed the Mexican border into the United States. Those arrested include a child rapist, violent sexual offenders, other violent criminals, and members of some of the most dangerous criminal gangs.

ICE removes MS-13 Gang Member

Migrant Gang Members, Child Sex Offender Arrested near Texas Border

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents arrested three members of violent gangs and a child sex offender as they attempted to make their way through border security to get to the U.S. interior. Immigration officers previously removed at least two of the gang members and the child sex offender.

MCALLEN, TX - NOVEMBER 06: A U.S. Border Patrol agent detains an undocumented immigrant in

Feds Indict 24 MS-13 Members for Murder, Money Laundering

A federal grand jury in Maryland returned felony indictments against 24 members of the MS-13 transnational criminal gang. The MS-13 members are charged with allegedly murdering five people, conspiring to murder eight people, kidnappings, extortion, and drug trafficking.

20170505_HPR_Guandique-12_0 - ICE - MS-13

MS-13 Primarily Victimizing Other Latinos, Say Law Enforcement

The ongoing crackdown on the brutal Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang at the hands of President Donald Trump’s White House will likely benefit the Latino community in the United States by keeping them safe from the villainous group–which has mostly plagued other Hispanics–suggest local and federal law enforcement officials.

MX-Gangs Photos by Michael Williamson NEG#185862 1/11/07: GANG GRAFFITI HAS BEEN PAINTED

Deported MS-13 Gangsters Keep Sneaking Back Across U.S. Border

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. immigration officers keep apprehending and deporting members of the brutal Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang, but they keep sneaking back across the southwest border into the United States, a high-ranking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official told lawmakers.

Arizona Border 3

Sanctuary Cities Protecting MS-13 Gang Members from Deportation, Says ICE

WASHINGTON, D.C. — There is a “rather long list” of sanctuary cities across the United States that choose to release incarcerated members of the notoriously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang back into U.S. communities rather than allow immigration agents to prosecute and deport them, testified a federal officer under oath before lawmakers.


Previously Deported MS-13 Gang Member Caught at Texas Border

A previously deported member of the fearsome Salvadoran MS-13 prison gang has been arrested near this the Texas border with Mexico. The previously deported MS-13 gang member known as “El Diablo” had been convicted of stabbing an innocent man at a restaurant in Chesterfield Virginia and leaving him for dead. The case was considered at the time by Virginia authorities to be one of the most violent acts by the MS-13 in the area.

MS-13 Gang Member