Magnitsky Act

Klein: Evidence Mounting of Trump Tower Collusion… Against Don Jr.

NEW YORK — Multiple recent Breitbart News investigations into the infamous brief meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 between individuals tied to Russia, Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials point to the increasing likelihood of the confab being set up as a dirty trick against Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Hillary, barack-obama,John Kerry

Author of Infamous Russia Email to Don Jr. Admits It Was ‘Hyperbolic,’ ‘Publicist Puff’

Rob Goldstone, the English publicist and music manager, admitted that he was “using a little artistic language” and he “puffed it” when he sent a much publicized email to Donald Trump Jr. to set up the infamous Trump Tower meeting, claiming to possess incriminating information and documents on Hillary Clinton originating with “the Crown prosecutor of Russia.”

British publicist Rob Goldstone (L) arrives at a closed door meeting with House Intelligen

Publicist Who Arranged Trump Tower Meeting Admits ‘I Didn’t Know What I Was Even Talking About’

NEW YORK — Rob Goldstone, the English publicist and music manager, admitted that “I didn’t know what I was really even talking about” when he sent a much publicized email to Donald Trump Jr. to set up the infamous Trump Tower meeting claiming to possess incriminating information and documents on Hillary Clinton originating with “the Crown prosecutor of Russia.”

British publicist Rob Goldstone arrives at a closed door meeting with House Intelligence C

Witness: Trump Tower Meeting Was ‘Boring’ Policy Presentation

NEW YORK — A Russian businessman who was present at the infamous, brief meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 has provided the most extensive publicly documented description yet about what allegedly transpired inside the room in which Russian nationals met with Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials.


Five Clues Don Jr.’s Trump Tower Meeting Was Set Up as Dem Dirty Trick

NEW YORK — Amid renewed news media attention focusing on the infamous brief meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 between individuals tied to Russia, Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials, it is instructive to review the largely unreported details surrounding the get-together that point to the increasing likelihood of the confab being set up as a dirty trick against Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - MAY 07: (EDITOR'S NOTE: Alternative crop of image #955549888) Hill

Revealed: Fusion GPS Closely Tied to Russian Lobbyist at Trump Jr. Meeting

NEW YORK — Email transcripts and other information disclosed in testimony released by the Senate Judiciary Committee reveals a significant relationship between Russian-born Washington lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin and the controversial Fusion GPS firm that produced the infamous, largely discredited anti-Trump dossier.


Rohrabacher Loses Top Aide Over Russia Ties

Paul Behrends, a top aide to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and staff director for his House Foreign Affairs subcommittee, was fired on Wednesday after several news reports revealed his alleged ties with pro-Russia lobbyists.

Washington, UNITED STATES: US Representative Dana Rohrabacher, Republican from California,