Woke UK Police Flag Vikings Statue for ‘Far-Right Symbolism’
England’s Northumbria Police force has flagged a statue of two Vikings in Jarrow, England, for possible “associations with far-Right symbolism”.
England’s Northumbria Police force has flagged a statue of two Vikings in Jarrow, England, for possible “associations with far-Right symbolism”.
A Canadian Catholic school pupil who was suspended last November for saying there are only two genders was arrested this week after attempting to return to class without renouncing his beliefs.
Leftist Antifa radicals clashed with protesters outside a performance of Drag Queen Story Hour for kids at the Tate Britain museum in London.
A Christian mother is suing her four-year-old’s school in Britain after it allegedly forced her child to take part in an “LGBT Parade”.
British police forces are spending more than £10 million to employ workers solely focused on diversity, inclusion, and equality.
The so-called ‘Festival of Brexit’ intended to promote the United Kingdom post-European Union, funded by taxpayers to the tune of £120 million, is infested with woke events featuring drag queens and harping on the imperial roots of gardening – and failing to attract visitors.
A police force in the United Kingdom has told the public that it does not want those who dislike progressivism to even apply to become one of their officers.
A British police force which arrested a veteran for causing someone “anxiety” with a sardonic Pride flag meme has been making people not convicted of any crime attend “re-education” lessons on racism, sexism, and transphobia.
Brexit leader Nigel Farage warned America that the biggest threat facing the West is not the Chinese Communists or Vladimir Putin, but a far-left “fifth column” undermining it from within, particularly via the universities.
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has reportedly spent millions in taxpayer money employing full-time diversity and inclusion officers.
A police force has been chastised by its own elected commissioner for arresting a British Army veteran for posting a meme while burglaries are ignored.
Civil servants have been trained that Britain is “racist” and that they should not “contradict” colleagues from ethnic minority backgrounds.
Manchester University in England has become the latest in a long line of British educational institutions to try and impose woke language codes on students and staff.
A watershed report found that one in four councils are pushing the “biased and highly contentious” Critical Race Theory in schools.
A populist politician in Ireland has slammed the country’s state exams as containing “pure propaganda” after pupils were presented with documents promoting Black Lives Matter and concepts like “White Privilege” and “Micro-Aggressions”.
Scottish civil servants have been instructed that biological sex is a “falsehood” which was “set by the medical establishment to reinforce white supremacy and gender oppression”.
The National Museum Wales has declared that the use of steam trains is “rooted in colonialism and racism”.
Twelve bishops at the increasingly woke Church of England have penned an open letter to the government urging them not to turn back illegal migrant boats coming from safe, EU member-state France, published by the leftist Guardian.
Britain’s socialised NHS is pushing the work of Robin DiAngelo and “whiteness” ideology through its Senior Leadership Support website.
Scotland’s left-separatist government has published its astonishing new agenda for “Embedding race equality in schools”, pushing documents which teach woke ideology on “white privilege”, “white fragility”, “decolonising the curriculum”, “structural racism”, and the alleged non-existence of “reverse racism” as fact.
Three octogenarian members of the House of Lords face being banned from its facilities after refusing to sumbit to unconcious bias training.
Priti Patel has ordered the Border Force to halt unconscious bias training courses for officers tasked with defending the nation’s borders.
Over 150 Oxford University academics are refusing to teach Oriel College students as a result of the college authorities declining to give into woke demands to hack a historic monument to Cecil Rhodes off its building.
Britain’s National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has announced a new Police Plan of Action on Inclusion and Race and Independent Oversight and Scrutiny Board in response to the death of George Floyd in the United States.
A 900-year-old church in East Yorkshire will have damaged carvings replaced with figures celebrating feminist and Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) figures. The woke restoration project of St Mary’s Church in Beverley is being spearheaded by Vicar Reverend Rebecca
Pride and Prejudice author Jane Austen’s affinity for drinking tea will be examined in a Black Lives Matter-style “historical interrogation” at a museum honouring the famed writer.
The ruling left-separatist party in Scotland has vowed to introduce “anti-racist education” in order to confront the “UK’s colonial history”.
Primary school children in England have reportedly been asked by the National Trust to write poems “denigrating” the British Empire, as campaigners attempt to convince the heritage charity to abandon its increasingly woke agenda.
Brexit leader Nigel Farage has warned that there is a “communist takeover” of large swaths of Britain’s private education sector, as an investigation has revealed that schools throughout the country have been bought out by firms connected to the Chinese government.
The legacy of Britain’s wartime leader, Sir Winston Churchill, is reported to have been under review by the Imperial War Museum, in the latest blow against British history amid the iconoclastic Black Lives Matter unrest.
Idiot of the week — in a crowded field — is Tim Parker. Parker, chairman of Britain’s largest heritage charity the National Trust, has just come out in defence of Black Lives Matter.
The UK’s Royal Navy has succumbed to politically correct woke culture, reportedly banning the terms “unmanned” and “manpower” over concerns that using the phrases is “sexist”.
The map showing how the General Election result would have turned out if only 18- to 24-year-olds voted is terrifying.