Logan Act

John Kerry: Trump’s Logan Act Accusation a ‘Presidential Lie’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” former Secretary of State John Kerry reacted to President Donald Trump accusing him and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) of violating the Logan Act after Murphy said he had recently met with Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

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Michael Flynn’s Sentencing Postponed, Judge Backs Off ‘Treason’ Questions

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn will reschedule the sentencing hearing for his guilty plea on lying to the FBI — an unexpected turn in Tuesday’s lively court proceedings which saw a D.C. circuit judge accusing Flynn of selling out his country — then denying that his line of questions to Special Counsel prosecutors were accusations of “treason.”

Former US National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn arrives for his sentencing heari

Byron York: Lame-Duck Obama Abused Logan Act to Damage Trump

Washington Examiner Byron York has laid out a compelling case against the lame-duck Obama administration, arguing that it abused the obscure Logan Act as a pretext for investigating the incoming Trump administration and “to entangle the new administration in a criminal investigation as soon as it walked in the door of the White House.”

Mike Flynn, Sally Yates AP Photos

Matthews: GOP Letter to Iran Violation of Federal Law

During his “Let Me Finish” segment on Monday’s broadcast MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews charged that Senate Republicans that signed on to a letter to the Iran leadership warning that any agreement that may be made with President Barack Obama pertaining
