liberals - Page 2

Why Conservatives Should Celebrate Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner, legendary founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy, died Monday at the age of 91. He was an icon in liberal Hollywood, and a self-declared conservative foe. Yet there is much for conservatives to celebrate in his life.

Hugh Hefner (Central Press / Getty)

UC Berkeley Poll: 53% of California Democrats Oppose Free Speech

A new poll conducted by the University of California Berkeley reveals that a majority of California Democrats oppose the First Amendment right of freedom of speech and assembly, at least as it applies to extreme right-wing groups. A plurality (46%) of all Californians feels the same way.

Anti-fascist counter-protesters wait outside Emancipation Park to hurl insults as white na

Willie Brown: Free Speech Is ‘Being Buried in Berkeley’

Willie Brown, the first African-American mayor of San Francisco, has used his latest San Francisco Chronicle column to condemn liberal intolerance at the University of California, Berkeley towards conservative speakers as the reversal of that campus’s free speech legacy.

Willie Brown (Adelle Nazarian / Breitbart News)

Child Rapist Deported to Ecuador

An illegal immigrant convicted of raping a child in Ecuador has been deported back to that country by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Migrants are deported to Turkey from the Greek port of Mytilene on April 4, 2016