Knudsen: 7 Ways Miserable Lefties Are Coping with MAGA
Remember when leftist women shaved their heads as an act of protest after President Donald Trump won the election?

Remember when leftist women shaved their heads as an act of protest after President Donald Trump won the election?
A report from the Philadelphia Inquirer indicates LGBTQ groups and others in liberal voting blocs are buying guns for self-defense ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration.
It has been nearly one month since President-elect Donald Trump defied all odds — facing numerous acts of lawfare, defeating the GOP establishment yet again, snapping an epic mugshot, surviving an assassination attempt — and secured what has been widely described as the greatest political comeback in American history.
Leftists have a master plan to ensure that President-elect Donald Trump’s economy tanks: They are not going to buy anything.
Some leftist women are inexplicably shaving their heads in protest of President-elect Donald Trump’s decisive victory.
GovTrack offered an excuse for abruptly deleting its scorecard that ranked Vice President Kamala Harris as the #1 most liberal senator in 2019, claiming the data was, suddenly, “not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators.”
Right wing parties performed best in the EU elections, with many new seats at the expense of hard-line greens and their liberal allies.
Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) said Wednesday on CNN’s “Inside Politics” that he was not a progressive while responding to criticisms that he is not liberal enough.
Progressives bashed the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling that states could not disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot, with some even suggesting that the court be “dissolved.”
Israel’s version of “Saturday Night Live” mocked liberal support for Hamas terrorists in its latest episode, which went viral online.
Research shows young liberals, especially liberal girls, are more depressed than conservative youth — a trend left-wing writer Matthew Yglesias said could be caused, in part, by “poor behavior by adult progressives, many of whom now valorize depressive affect as a sign of political commitment.”
More liberal enclaves are seemingly panicking over the possibility busloads and flights filled with border crossers and illegal aliens will be sent their way.
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that while some conservatives do want to whitewash the past, “plenty of liberals also want to abuse history to control the present,” through presentism and acting as through “the
Conservative judges on the U.S. Appeals Court want the United States Supreme Court to overrule a case that sided with liberal justices who say encouraging illegal aliens to stay in the United States is a matter of free speech.
Belief in God among U.S. adults sank to an all-time low this year — 81% — according to recent data from a Gallup survey.
HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher slammed the Hollywood elite for giving Will Smith a standing ovation at the Academy Awards after the actor assaulted Chris Rock on stage over a joke the comedian made about his wife, Jada Pinkett smith. “It was a bad night for liberal hypocrisy,” Maher said.
Pew Research Center data published last year suggests young white liberals are more likely to have mental health conditions.
“Joe Biden has refused to release his list, perhaps because he knows the names are so extremely far left that they could never withstand public scrutiny or receive acceptance,” Trump said.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling joined a group of over one hundred writers and academics calling for an end to cancel culture and the “intolerant climate that has set in on all sides”, which drew backlash from both sides of
Democrat leaders in Congress this week repudiated the “defund the police” calls across the country that have grown increasingly loud among some of their colleagues, other leftists, and protesters in the wake of the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody.
Donald Trump Jr. offered to walk a woman down the aisle on her wedding day after she posted a video explaining that her “liberal” parents rejected her over her conservative fiancé, who she says they “hate.”
A man in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is using his extremely expensive car to show support for President Trump.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said “the modern-day liberal” has proven to be a bigger “impediment” than those he was initially wary of – people like the “bigot in the pickup truck” or “Klansmen” – as part of remarks made in the upcoming documentary Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words.
The elite class and Hillary Clinton, specifically, are unsatisfied with the current Democrat primary field and have signaled their dissatisfaction in a variety of ways in recent weeks, from refusing to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden (D) to dismissing the ultra-far-left candidates’ radical agendas.
Viewers were left in disbelief after former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer advanced to yet another round of Dancing with the Stars Monday night, with some calling it “bullshit” and others lamenting “the scariest thing about #DWTS is that Sean Spicer is still dancing.”
GAINESVILLE, Florida – Protesters gathered at the University of Florida ahead of Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle’s appearance at the university on Thursday, marching outside of the venue and holding signs reading “FUCH U NAZI BITCH” and “I’ll Grab Ya Daddy By The Pussy.”
GAINESVILLE, Florida — Left-wing activists congregated outside of the University of Florida’s University Auditorium ahead of Donald Trump Jr.’s appearance on Thursday, marching and chanting, “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA.”
A survey found nearly one-third of Americans say cable news reporting is driving them “crazy,” which could represent a public health crisis.
Cities in red states such as Texas, Georgia, and Arizona are becoming increasingly deep blue as a wave of millennials and white liberals move from blue state cities, coupled with a booming foreign-born population.
“Normal people” should avoid wearing red hats because they resemble Make America Great again caps, according to a Chicago-based author.
The “woke” phenomenon is largely driven by white liberals who are more left-wing than the minorities they think they are helping — and whose views of Jews as “privileged” are driving a new antisemitism on the American left.
It’s Brexit party all the way for me. I could never trust a Conservative leader who gets his climate facts from a 16-year-old autistic kid who in turn got her climate facts from Ice Age II.
Rap megastar and fashion mogul Kanye West made it clear that liberals like to “bully” supporters of President Donald Trump after he was challenged by talk show host David Letterman on his support for the president.
A store clerk at a vape store was fired Friday evening after he was caught on video screaming at a customer wearing a shirt that read, “Trump” as well as a MAGA hat, demanding for him to leave and refusing to sell him anything.
Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, a Pew Research Center survey found family is what makes life meaningful for most Americans.
Liberals are the new Maoists. If in doubt, do listen to my podcast this week with Toby Young. In it Young recounts the truly shocking story of how a vengeful mob of impeccably liberal “progressive” types sought completely to destroy his life and career.
The University of California Santa Cruz is asking faculty to house students — providing the ultra-liberal campus with an unplanned lesson in how building restrictions are driving a statewide housing crisis.
New York Times best-selling author and populist conservative columnist Ann Coulter says President Trump represents what the political Left and establishment media “hate about America, which is Americans” in an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily.
A billboard asking liberals to keep driving until they leave Texas was taken down Wednesday after the client who paid for it requested its removal due to the uproar it caused on social and traditional media, according to the billboard’s owner.
A photo of a Texas billboard is gaining a lot of attention on social media because of its message telling liberals to keep driving until they leave Texas.