Exclusive–O’Donnell: General Gage’s Gun Grab; Lexington and Concord and Captain Samuel Whittemore’s Last Stand
April 19, 1775, marked the beginning of an epic journey for a band of brothers who risked EVERYTHING for a nation yet to be born.
![The Battle of Lexington depicted in a 1910 portrait by William Barnes Wollen](https://media.breitbart.com/media/2024/04/Battle-of-Lexington-and-Concord-420x315.jpg)
April 19, 1775, marked the beginning of an epic journey for a band of brothers who risked EVERYTHING for a nation yet to be born.
A KY mayor is proposing using funds earmarked for an emergency program to help the needy to pay for Critical Race Theory (CRT) training.
An Ohio animal hospital is seeking to help police horses injured during the riots that took place across the country this weekend — free of charge.
A policeman in Lexington, Kentucky, became a wildlife rescuer Wednesday when he got a call about a deer stuck in a neighbor’s pool.
Two anti-Trump groups have raised enough money to bring the Baby Trump balloon to Lexington, Kentucky, for the president’s rally on Monday.
This week marks the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Two hundred and forty-four years ago, farmers, tradesmen, laborers, and mariners–Americans of all stripes–came to together to defend themselves against the most professional army in the world.
President Donald Trump trashed a restaurant in rural Virginia after the establishment’s owner refused to serve Sarah Sanders and her friends on Friday.