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Roughly 40 LGBTQ Texans Running for Office in 2018, Says Community Mag

Houston Magazine OutSmart reports that at least 35 LGBTQ Texans are running for office in the 2018 primary and general elections–including governor and lieutenant governor contests. Five candidates identify as transgender. More than one-third are from Harris County. The publication added five to the list by Wednesday afternoon.

Houston Mayor Annise Parker, left, waves as her partner, Kathy Hubbard, right, holds the B

Gun Range Owner Has Facebook Page Blocked

HOUSTON, Texas — A gun range owner in Houston has had his Facebook page blocked. He started having trouble with the social media giant after he advertised a free concealed handgun class for the LGBT community after the Orlando Islamic terrorist attack.

Shiloh Shooting Range FB Closed

Blame Republicans for Obama’s Transgender Bathrooms

When the Los Angeles Superintendent of Schools applauded Democrat President Barack Obama’s demand that schools honor transgender bathroom rules, she knew the original authority came from Republicans: former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former President George W. Bush.

AP Photo/Toby Talbot, File

Pediatricians Call Gender Discordance Conditioning Child Abuse

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has issued a report urging legislators and educators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal “a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex.” They say endorsing “gender discordance” is “child abuse.”


Gov. Mike Pence Calls on Lawmakers to Protect Religious Liberty

Indiana lawmakers are debating laws to make homosexuals, bisexuals, and pansexuals specially protected groups. In his State of the State address, Gov. Mike Pence called on lawmakers to respect religious liberty and diversity of thought on marriage and sexuality, and declared he will oppose any bill that opens the door to people of faith suffering discrimination for being true to their religious beliefs.

AP Photo/Darron Cummings

‘Caitlyn’ Jenner Attended Houston Megachurches for ‘Photo Ops’

HOUSTON, Texas – While in Houston filming his reality TV show and making other stops, “Caitlyn” Jenner and members of his film crew attended two megachurches whose pastors had been very vocal against Houston’s proposed “bathroom ordinance.” Rev. Dave Welch of the US Pastor Council called the events at the Christmas services, “photo ops.”

Getty Images

LGBT Crowd Goes After Texas State Rep Who Didn’t Want Men in Ladies’ Restrooms

The LGBT lobby has been in full-throttle since a conservative Texas state representative filed bills which would undermine its agenda. The Washington, D.C., based LGBT advocacy group has flooded Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) with public information requests seeking all communications of any sort with pastors, faith organizations, and others – in all, 43 conservative and religious groups and individuals.

Debbie Riddle

We Need To Talk About ‘Dr’ Jack Monroe’s Breasts…

I’m afraid I can’t stop thinking about Dr Jack Monroe’s breasts. I know that as an ex-lesbian-turned-self-declared-trans-activist this probably isn’t what she wants to hear from a middle aged cis-gendered male. I know she’s not a real doctor, it’s just an honorary

not a woman

Leftie Journo Says She’s Not A Woman… Wins Woman’s Award

A “non-binary” transgendered Guardian columnist has been honoured with a “Woman of the Future” award. She said she was “surprised” because she doesn’t “identify” as a woman, but will accept the award regardless of the flagrant ‘mis-gendering’. “Seeing I came

Not A Woman