Lebanon - Page 24

Fake In-N-Out Burger Scheme Busted

A man from Newport Beach, California will face trial in July for allegedly bilking investors out of over $4 million as part of a scheme to sell phony In-N-Out burger franchises in the Middle East.

In-N-Out (Kevin Dinkel / Flickr / CC / Cropped)

Video: Iran, North Korea, Cuba Slam U.S. at UN Human Rights Council

Following the Obama administration’s craven presentation of America’s–largely imaginary–human rights shortcomings to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Monday, the member states took their turns to add to the criticism. In many cases, the countries piling on were dictatorships that murder and persecute their own citizens with absolute impunity.

Human Rights Council

Hizbullah Chief: We Are Going to Need Help Launching a War Against Israel

Lebanon’s Hizbullah terror gang is normally one of the most active and belligerent terrorist organizations in the world. It is therefore significant that Hizbullah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, told a Syrian News TV interviewer that his organization is not capable of carrying out a war against Israel on its own.

Hassan Nasrallah

Top Iranian Commander Boasts of Dominating Jordan

In a youth conference in Tehran, Iran’s top military commanders assured the crowd that Jordan would soon be controlled by the mullahs, as they have already spread their malevolent influence into Iraq and Lebanon with terrorist forces, Haaretz reports.


Assyrian Christians Demand Arms, Support to Fight ISIS as Hundreds Kidnapped

People in the Islamic State’s (ISIS/ISIL) way in the Middle East are desperate to fight against the terrorist group as the jihadists expand their caliphate. Syria’s Assyrian Christian population has increasingly expressed frustration over the lack of international funding and arms for their militias, while ISIS continues to kill and abduct hundreds.

Hussein Malla/AP

World View: Hezbollah Backs Down from War with Israel

Hezbollah backs down from war with Israel; Clashes between Nusra front and Free Syrian Army spreading in Syria; Jundallah takes credit for massive mosque attack in Pakistan; Egypt’s military begins ‘wide military offensives’ in North Sinai; Greece clashes with eurogroup ‘No more bailout, no more troika!’; In Denmark you are now paid to take out a mortgage

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

The Islamic State’s 2015 Budget: $2 Billion

The Islamic State (ISIS) terror group has reportedly budgeted $2 billion dollars for its upcoming 2015 jihad, according to Arabic media. Additionally, the budget expects to collect a $250 million dollar surplus throughout the year.

Islamic State flag

Report: Lebanon’s Christians Take Up Arms Against ISIS

Christians in Lebanon are arming themselves to combat the Islamic State and other jihadists who are threatening their villages, reports The National, a state-owned news agency in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, or IS) jihadists control

Islamic State flag