lawsuit - Page 15

Former Black Panther Leader Sues Oakland over Brawl

Elaine Brown, 72, former head of the Black Panthers from 1974 to 1977, and who was implicated (though never charged) in the murder of accountant Betty Van Patter, is suing the city of Oakland for $1 million after Councilwoman Desley Brooks allegedly assaulted her at a local restaurant.

Elaine Brown and the Black Panthers (Jim Palmer / Associated Press)

Tree Trimmed After 16-lb. Pine Cone Injures Veteran

Holy Cross Church in Santa Cruz is taking precautions after noticing a Navy veteran filed a $5 million suit against the U.S. government, the National Park Service, the Department of the Interior, and San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park after a heavy cone from a bunya pine tree fell, striking him on the head.

Bunya pine (J Brew / Flickr / CC)