Gun Owners of America: Stop Funding the ATF and They’ll Leave Our Bump Stocks Alone
GOA is decrying the ATF’s latest push for bump stock gun control, contending that part of the solution is to defund the ATF altogether.

GOA is decrying the ATF’s latest push for bump stock gun control, contending that part of the solution is to defund the ATF altogether.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) remains frozen on pro-gun legislation even though the Democrats’ post-Vegas gun control push has imploded.
Piers Morgan continuously irritated his American cousins by acting as if he were a misbehaving British butler.
Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt says Speaker Paul Ryan’s inaction on concealed carry reciprocity gives “dirtbags” the upper hand.
Gun Owners of America is rallying behind Republican-sponsored legislation that would not only remove suppressors from the purview of the National Firearms Act (1934), but would also remove the background check requirement from their sale.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is urging freedom-loving Americans to contact their Senators and urge them to confirm Neil Gorsuch as the next justice of the Supreme Court.
On January 11 the NRA Blog listed @AWRHawkins as one of eight Twitter accounts that pro-gun Americans need to follow in 2017.
Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America (GOA) executive director emeritus, told Breitbart News on Friday that national reciprocity for concealed carry “keeps good people from going to jail” when they unknowingly drive through an anti-gun jurisdiction that exists because of the patchwork of concealed carry laws.
On August 18 Gun Owners of America (GOA) highlighted “the lie behind gun free zones” by pointing out that disarming good guys does not disarm bad guys.
On January 25 Gun Owners of America executive director emeritus Larry Pratt told Breitbart News the FBI’s arbitrary halt to processing appeals for background check denials is more evidence that “background checks are not constitutional” to begin with. Pratt intimated
Arizona State Senator Kelli Ward has gained the endorsement of the influential group Gun Owners of America in her campaign for U.S. Senate against entrenched beltway insider John McCain.
On November 12, CBS NEWS reported that “White House lawyers” are examining gun laws to find an avenue where President Obama can use executive action to go around Congress and expand background checks to cover private gun sales.
Over the weekend, Breitbart News sat down with Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt to ask his opinion on House Speaker John Boehner’s plans to resign, and Pratt said he was thrilled with the news. He said he also hopes Boehner is not alone among Republicans when he packs his bags to leave the Capitol for good.
On August 31, Breitbart News spoke with Gun Owners of America’s (GOA) executive director, Larry Pratt, about background checks for gun purchasers, and he made clear that GOA opposed them when they were first introduced under President Bill Clinton and that GOA believes they should be abolished now.
The GOP needs to pass National Reciprocity for CCW permits now.
PBS’s new special, Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA, includes looks at other gun rights groups–like Gun Owners of America (GOA)–and actually credits GOA with dragging Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) into the light when he tried to cloak his 2013 gun control push with words like “compromise” and “loopholes.”