Laredo Sector - Page 7

81 Migrants Found in Refrigerated Trailer near Texas Border

Border Patrol agents assigned to an immigration checkpoint in South Texas apprehended 81 migrants being smuggled in a refrigerated tractor-trailer. Elsewhere in the sector, Zapata Station agents disrupted another smuggling attempt and apprehended six foreign nationals.

Border Patrol agents find 81 migrants locked in a refrigerated tractor-trailer in South Te

Migrants Found Packed into Pickup Truck Toolboxes

Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents discovered several illegal immigrants packed into the toolboxes of two pickup trucks in separate incidents. The smugglers placed the migrants in grave danger–including the risk of severe injury or death in the event of an accident.

Border Patrol agents find three illegal aliens locked in a toolbox in South Texas. (Photo:

$1.4M in Meth Seized at Texas Border Checkpoint

Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents seized 38 pounds of methamphetamine at the U.S. Highway 59 checkpoint located between Laredo and Freer, Texas. Officials estimate the drugs to be worth in excess of $1.4 million.

$1.4 million worth of meth seized by Freer Station Border Patrol agents at the immigration

Another Deceased Migrant Found on South Texas Ranch

Border Patrol agents from the Laredo Sector received a call from the Webb County Sheriff’s Office about a deceased migrant found on a ranch near the Texas border with Mexico. The agents responded to recover the body.

Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents assisted in the recovery of a deceased migrant who died