Great Reset: World Economic Forum Says Lasers Will Track People ‘By Heartbeat’
The Davos-based World Economic Forum has predicted that the ‘Great Reseet’ will see countries begin tracking people by their heartbeats.

The Davos-based World Economic Forum has predicted that the ‘Great Reseet’ will see countries begin tracking people by their heartbeats.
I’m old enough to remember when Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg – aka The Moggfather – was the great white hope of British conservatism.
My new hero politician (in an admittedly not very crowded field) is Gideon van Meijeren. He might be yours too after this exchange…
Bully for BoJo and his globalist green agenda — but this isn’t a world view that any normal person in Britain actually shares.
Former prime minister Tony Blair has launched a “withering” attack on “woke” politics, which he claims is one of the reasons why the Labour party he once led is now unelectable.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will launch his new legislative programme this week with three words that ought to send a shiver down the spine: ‘Build Back Better.’
Equalities Minister Liz Truss evoked Boris Johnson’s and Joe Biden’s globalist-progressive “Build Back Better” slogan when she announced the cost for trans people to legally change gender would be cut from £140 to just £5.
The prospects of Kwarteng going vegan for global warming are about as likely as his chopping off his right testicle to achieve world peace.
Hands up who grudgingly voted Tory because they thought it was their best hope of fending off the Marxist opposition and delivering Brexit.
If he seriously cared about his future subjects, he’d really be talking about the disastrous consequences of Boris Johnson’s Net Zero policy.
The World Economic Forum deleted a post on social media which praised coronavirus lockdowns for “quietly improving cities around the world”.
The Davos agenda is a remote elite which doesn’t give a damn for ordinary folk. We are many; they are few – and therein lies our only hope.
At the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) virtual Davos Agenda summit on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron declared that in the wake of the Chinese coronavirus modern capitalism “can no longer work”. Appearing before a question and answer session conducted with
The World Economic Forum wants you to know that there is nothing sinister about its masterplan — The Great Reset — for a New World Order.
The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory. But lots of useful idiots want you to believe that it is.
The people pushing for the Great Reset are perfectly open about their plan. Indeed, they can scarcely stop talking about it…
The sale of new petrol cars will be banned as part of a Great Reset promoted by PM Boris’s current official girlfriend Carrie Symonds.
The world must stop building new coal power plants and instead embrace green alternatives in a post-coronavirus reset world, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Saturday.
Build Back Better. This is the slogan of the New World Order – aka the Great Reset. You hear it often these days intoned — in the manner of dutiful Stepford Wives — by everyone from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Prince of Wales to Canadian blackface artiste Justin Trudeau and, inevitably, Joe Biden who has adopted it as his campaign slogan.
The coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for a “new kind of capitalism” and “great reset” of global economies, politics, and societies, according to World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s links to a left-wing globalist agenda branded as the “Great Reset” are growing, said Justin Haskins.
An impatient demand for the world to try harder to counter “climate change” will top the agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting next month in Davos, Switzerland.