khaled meshaal

Turkey Needs Israel, Says Erdogan

ISTANBUL (AFP) – Turkey must accept that it needs Israel, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday, as the two countries seek to thrash out a deal on normalising ties. NATO member Turkey was a key regional ally of Israel until the two

The Associated Press

Jimmy Carter: Hamas Leader Is Not a Terrorist, Wants Peace

TEL AVIV, Jerusalem — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter visited Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas this weekend at his headquarters in Ramallah, and declared that Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal is not a “terrorist.” Carter said that he would not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because it was a “waste of time,” and that Meshaal not only wanted a “peace process,” but would commit to recognizing Israel as part of a deal brokered by Saudi Arabia.

Carter and Abbas (Reuters)