Kelly Loeffler - Page 6

Stacey Abrams to Coach Hollywood Elites on How They Can Help Win Georgia

Georgia is now ground zero for the battle for the balance of power in Washington, D.C., as control of the U.S. Senate now hinges on the outcome of the two Senate runoff races. With the Senate majority leadership just a couple seats away, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently declared, “Now we take Georgia, and then we change America.” And failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate and Democratic Party power player Stacey Abrams is more than willing to do her part to see that Schumer’s goal is realized. 

Politician and author Stacey Abrams speaks to an audience about voter supresssion on Tuesd

Tourist Voter Registration Illegal in Georgia, but Prosecution Is Rare

Temporary “tourist voter registration” is illegal under Georgia law, but only one person has been convicted of false registration since 2011 and Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has said he will not call a special session of the state legislature to address the apparent loophole before two critical U.S. Senate runoff elections on January 5.
