Kelly Ayotte - Page 2

Sen. Ayotte: Cruz Should Give Up Already

On Wednesday, NH GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte urged Sen. Ted Cruz to not utilize his rights to object to a Senate deal reopening the government and lifting the debt ceiling. To quickly approve a deal, the Senate needs unanimous consent.

Sen. Ayotte: Cruz Should Give Up Already

GOP Waking Up to a New Reality

The media and the DC establishment are abuzz with reports that Senate Republicans recently lashed out at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz over the government shutdown. New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte confronted Cruz with copies of ads run by an outside

GOP Waking Up to a New Reality

Mayors Continue Exodus from Bloomberg's Gun Control Group

The exodus from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (MAIG) continues. Fox News reports that although Bloomberg is still drawing new mayors into his group, a number have abandoned ship since the group began focusing more

Mayors Continue Exodus from Bloomberg's Gun Control Group

Mayors Abandoning Bloomberg's Gun Control Group

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (MAIG) is losing many of its members–mayors who signed up excited, but are departing disenchanted. Many who signed on to MAIG got more than they bargained for and others were

Mayors Abandoning Bloomberg's Gun Control Group

Sen. Ayotte (R-NH) Will Support Immigration Bill

On Sunday’s Face the Nation (CBS), Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) announced she would support the Gang of Eight’s immigration reform proposal. “Our immigration system is completely broken,” she said, calling the legislation “a thoughtful, bipartisan solution to a tough problem.”

Sen. Ayotte (R-NH) Will Support Immigration Bill

Media Ignore: Obama's OFA Manufacture Protests Against Kelly Ayotte

Over the past couple of days, CNN (specifically congressional correspondent Dana Bash) has joined  MSNBC’s propaganda campaign targeting/shaming a handful of senators they see as vulnerable after their vote against the Toomey-Manchin background check bill. As we reported earlier, the

Media Ignore: Obama's OFA Manufacture Protests Against Kelly Ayotte

MSNBC Panel Attacks Pro-Gun Senator For Being A Woman

According to “Morning Joe” panalist Donny Deutsch, Sen. Kelly Ayotte’s (R-NH) opposition to gun control measures is worse than her colleagues’ opposition because she’s a woman. “Is it even more surprising to you when a woman goes against this?” Deutsch

MSNBC Panel Attacks Pro-Gun Senator For Being A Woman

Tonight is Ladies Night… the Senate!

President Obama has invited all 20 women Senators out to dinner this evening.  The dinner is “to discuss current policy issues…..CQ Roll Call was not able to immediately confirm the attendance of all 20 senators.” Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and

CPAC 2013: Kelly Ayotte, Tea Party Hawk

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) is the unsung heroine of the foreign policy debates of the past few months. A Tea Party candidate who was elected in the 2010 wave, Ayotte has been one of the most reliable voices on the

CPAC 2013: Kelly Ayotte, Tea Party Hawk