Kayla Mueller

Not Forgotten: President Trump Calls Parents of Kayla Mueller, American Victim of al-Baghdadi

President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and White House National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien have all contacted Kayla Mueller’s parents in separate phone calls, letting them know that their daughter has not been forgotten. Kayla was one of the Americans captured and tortured by ISIS, and was raped by the terror group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was finally killed during a U.S. raid on Saturday.

The Kayla Mueller Proof-of-Life Video ISIS Sent Her Parents

Widow of Islamic State Leader Charged In Death of American Kayla Mueller

In May, a U.S. Special Forces operation in Syria killed senior ISIS leader Abu Sayyaf, one of the top money men for the terror state. His wife Umm Sayyaf was taken prisoner and placed in detention in Iraq. Umm Sayyaf has now been charged in U.S. federal court with conspiracy in the death of Kayla Mueller, the American aid worker who was kidnapped, enslaved, brutalized, and ultimately killed by the Islamic State.


Obama Angered Hostage Families With Bowe Bergdahl Swap

Later this afternoon, Obama is expected to meet with some of the families of the slain hostages and announce his new policy that would allow families to privately pay ransoms to terrorists to recover their loved ones. According to Foreign Policy, only 24 of the 82 families that the administration contacted chose to participate in the hostage review.

Bowe Bergdahl release Taliban

CAIR Targets California Official Over Anti-Islam Facebook Post

An El Monte city official has come under fire for a comment he made about Islam on an article he posted to his personal Facebook page. Now, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an American Muslim advocacy group with ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood, is calling for his resignation in addition to demanding an apology.

AP Photo

Mueller Family: ISIS Wanted Lady al Qaeda Swap for Kayla

Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” the family of Kayla Mueller revealed ISIS asked to swap Aafia Siddiqui, aka Lady al Qaeda, a Pakistani citizen who obtained a doctorate in neuroscience  in the United States and was arrested in 2008


Kayla Mueller Charity to Support Anti-Israel Organization

The family of Kayla Mueller, the American hostage and humanitarian who was killed by ISIS earlier this month, has launched a new 501(c)3 charity in her memory. The charity, Kayla’s Hands, was announced by the family in an interview with NBC News that aired on the Today show Monday morning. It links to a website that promotes causes with which Mueller had worked, including the International Solidarity Movement, a radical pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel organization.

AP Photo/The Daily Courier/Jo. L. Keener

McCain Holding Back Tears : ‘I Failed’ Kayla Mueller

Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ) was holding back tears as he described the death of 26-year-old Arizona native, Kayla Mueller as one of the saddest things in his life. McCain said, “The fact is, I failed. I failed because I was unable


Mueller Appears to Have Been Misled, Tragically, About Islamic ‘Resistance’

Despite all we already know about the so-called Islamic State terrorist organization, the murder of American Kayle Mueller still manages to be shocking. And her defiant declaration of faith, in a letter to her family, is both heartbreaking and uplifting. Her death–which ISIS had the nerve to blame on Jordanian bombing–cries out for vengeance, not just “justice”–the term the president chose, one that may denote retribution but might also offer the undeserved dignity of civilian trial.

IRAQ, - : An image grab taken from a propaganda video released on March 17, 2014 by the Is

Obama On Kayla Mueller: ‘We Did Everything We Could’

Tuesday in an interview with BuzzFeed News, President Barack Obama said the U.S. government did everything they could to rescue Kayla Mueller, the 26-year-old aid worker killed while being held by ISIS. When BuzzFeed News’ editor-in-chief Ben Smith suggested, considering


‘P.R. Stunt’: Jordan Denies ISIS Claim of American Hostage’s Death

Jordan has responded to a claim by the Islamic State (ISIS) on Friday that American hostage Kayla Jean Mueller was killed by collateral damage from Jordanian airstrikes, saying that ISIS has provided no proof of Mueller’s death, and is lying about either the fact or manner of her death. American officials also said they had seen no evidence that Mueller was killed.

AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Jo. L. Keener