Karl Rove - Page 11

'Law and Order' Trashes ACORN Videos

Dick Wolf has fallen from the heights as a writer on “Hill Street Blues,” a supervising producer of “Miami Vice” and the creator/producer of the once-excellent “Law and Order” trilogy. The flagship of the “Law and Order” series is “Law

The B-Cast: How Deep Are ACORN's Ties to the White House?

Matthew Vadum: “Newly discovered evidence shows the radical advocacy group ACORN has a man in the Obama White House. This power behind the throne is longtime ACORN operative Patrick Gaspard. He holds the title of White House political affairs director,

ACORN's Man is 'Political Director' in White House

Over at the American Spectator, Big Government Contributor Matthew Vadum writes: Newly discovered evidence shows the radical advocacy group ACORN has a man in the Obama White House.This power behind the throne is longtime ACORN operative Patrick Gaspard. He holds

El Rushbo 'Nails' Family Guy Gig

Over the weekend we noted our skepticism about Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove will be appearing in upcoming episodes of the the left-wing Fox cartoon “Family Guy.” Mr. Limbaugh recorded his episode yesterday and discussed the episode and the “Family

'Family Guy' Taking Right Turn?

From an ABCNews.com article: ABC News’ Cullen Dirner reports: Two popular Republican figures, Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove, will make an appearance on next season’s “Family Guy.” Arguably a liberal leaning show, “Family Guy” is reaching out to the other

Karl Rove: Shining a Light in the Wilderness

Last Tuesday evening I was privileged to attend a dinner at which Karl Rove was the keynote speaker. The event was put on by the Heritage Foundation, the premiere conservative think tank of Washington, DC, of which I am proud

David Axelrod, Rasputin of the Magic Kingdom

Senior Obama advisor David Axelrod made the news recently with his comment on NPR’s ‘The Hot Seat’, when he offhandedly remarked that ‘Miss California’ was one of three names considered for President Obama’s new dog, Bo. The remark was met

Saudi King 1, America 0

Mr. President, the last line from French playwright Eugene Ionesco’s play “Rhinoceros” is, “I will not capitulate!” Have you perchance read either the original French or English translation? Did you think that traveling abroad and promising the Europeans the equivalent

The Bushies' Crazy Ex Syndrome

Usually when a president leaves office he and his administration have the good graces to go off somewhere and quietly wait for history to pass judgment on their legacy. Not so with the Bushies. Having thoroughly bankrupted every aspect of

Democrats Subpoena Bush Advisor Karl Rove

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy WSJ: House Democrats renewed their effort to force former White House aide Karl Rove to testify in a probe into Justice Department controversies, presenting a challenge to President

Rush Limbaugh Interviews Karl Rove

[dailymotion 4OCxGe6iCuXBrju2d nolink] Talk show host Rush Limbaugh interviews outgoing Presidential adviser Karl Rove about his experiences in the White House.

Karl Rove to Resign

President Bush’s close friend and chief political strategist is resigning as White House deputy chief of staff effective Aug. 31. “I just think it’s time,” Mr. Rove tells the Wall Street Journal. “There’s always something that can keep you here,