Karl Rove - Page 10

Media Matters' Stunning Hypocrisy on Anonymous Donations

Ever since the shellacking Democrats suffered in the midterms, their strategists and donors have been meeting to discuss plans for 2012. Tuesday, the New York Times reported on the latest high profile effort by David Brock, head of Media Matters:

WMD and Cognitive Dissonance

George W. Bush is telling the world says he was “sickened . . . when we didn’t find weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. How, I would like to know, did he feel when 550 metric tons of yellowcake were

Christine O'Donnell: The Next Political Celebrity?

Part I: Part II: Christine O’Donnell sat down with Jay Leno on the “Tonight Show;” the conversation was cordial and the topics were, shall we say, familiar. In Part I, watch for when O’Donnell says she thinks Karl Rove is

A Congressional Race to Watch (and Support)

In the 3rd Congressional District of Missouri, a race for the ages is taking place. Ed Martin (R), one of the originals involved with the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition and endorsed by that organization, is fighting to replace Russ

Charge: Whitman, Fiorina Torched California Forest for Sport

Sacramento (AP) – In the current edition of The Nation magazine, California Democratic Party chairman John Burton charges Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman and senate hopeful Carly Fiorina behaved badly during the Tehachapi wildfire emergency last summer which destroyed forty

President Obama's Updated Enemies List

Senator Barack Obama campaigned for President against the “politics of personal destruction” and a future President who could “bring Democrats and Republicans together.” As President, Obama has denounced opponents of the Administration and brought partisanship to a new level. The

SEIU Solicited Contributions from 'Foreign Nationals'

President Obama’s baseless attack on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce underscores the routine hyper-partisan attacks his administration has become known for. Obama’s allegation was that the Chamber has been using money from foreign members to influence this election. Karl Rove,

Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist

This past July, in a formal request it filed with the prosecutors of Maryland state and the city of Baltimore, a left-leaning organization known as Velvet Revolution urged prosecutors to press criminal charges against James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles for

Flashback: Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist

This past July, in a formal request it filed with the prosecutors of Maryland state and the city of Baltimore, a left-leaning organization known as Velvet Revolution urged prosecutors to press criminal charges against James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles for

Karl Rove Needs to 'Meet John Doe'

Et tu, Karl? Only Miles Monroe, Woody Allen’s character in Sleeper, could have missed the firestorm Karl Rove touched off during his appearance on Fox News’ Hannity show on Tuesday night. But for the benefit of Mr. Monroe and other

What Karl Rove Should Have Said

John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute, offers his thoughts on the GOP spat over Christine O’Donnell’s victory in Delaware. It’s a refreshing read. Tuesday night, I happened to be watching live when Karl Rove fulminated on the Christine

Hey GOP: Lead. Follow. Or Get Out of the Way

Tea Party conservative Christine O’Donnell knocked off longtime Republican insider milquetoast Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican primary Tuesday for the Senate seat once held in a lockbox by Vice President Joe Biden. It’s another victory for the GOP rank

Rove: 'I Don't Want the Mosque to be Built There'

Senior Republican strategist Karl Rove says he opposes the planned construction of a mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001 al Qaeda terrorist attack in lower Manhattan. He tells George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, “I don’t want the

Daily Gut: Racism Revisited, Revised, Regurgitated

(this is Wednesday’s Gregalogue, updated for tonight, with more fun stuff!) In my opinion, the story of Shirley Sherrod isn’t about racism, but accusations of racism. If someone says they aren’t racist, and minus physical evidence to the contrary, you

Daily Gut: Racism, Racism, Racism

In my opinion, the story of Shirley Sherrod isn’t about racism, but accusations of racism. If someone says they aren’t racist, and without any physical evidence to the contrary, you should take them at their word. Unfortunately, we’ve seen that

Happy Birthday, President George W. Bush

t looks like President George W. Bush may have a pretty good birthday today. After all, this time last year the liberal media was terming him as “the worst president in American history.” But a lot has changed since then.

The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Fiscal Policy

The fault line in American politics is often not between Republicans and Democrats, but rather between taxpayers and the Washington political elite. Here are two examples that symbolize why economic policy is such a mess. First, we have President Bush’s

When It Comes To Cyberspace, Clueless GOP Had Better Wise Up

During six-plus years of blogging, my volunteer research and writing abilities have contributed to the campaign and media efforts of such notable Republicans as George Allen, Mitch McConnell, Rob Portman, Sarah Palin, Michael Steele, and a host of others, too

'Daily Show,' 'Fact Check' Bend Facts To Support Obama

The Huffington Post carried a piece regarding my appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, during which I discussed the new book that I wrote with constitutional attorney Ken Klukowski, entitled The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution

I'm Still Digging Michael Steele

I just made a donation in Michelle Malkin’s honor to the GOP. Let me say right up front, I’m not a religious guy. I support Republicans because they are the party of Small Business, they are the party of Liberty.

Karl Rove Has 'Sympathy' for David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel

Politico: “I have a certain sympathy for [them because of] the criticism,” continued [Karl] Rove, White House senior adviser and political “architect” for President George W. Bush. ”There’s been a lot of attention paid to … warfare ostensibly between David