Joni Ernst - Page 9

‘Middle-Class Economics’ vs. Bread-Bag America

America is not made great by its government. Passive “hope for change” is worth nothing compared to active effort. Our true recovery will not be a matter of pouring another $60 billion into the leaky administrative bucket of public education. Recovery will be delivered by people who want an education so badly that they’ll go to school on rainy days with bread bags over their shoes to keep them dry.

Obama Limo file

GOP SOTU Spanish Response Asks for Obama’s Help in Reforming Immigration

Pro-amnesty Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), in delivering the Republican’s Spanish-language response to the State of the Union (SOTU) address, called on Obama to cooperate with the GOP in crafting “permanent solutions to our immigration system.” Freshman Rep. Curbelo did not challenge the president on illegal immigration or executive amnesty.

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Joni Ernst Ignores Exec Amnesty in SOTU Response

Freshman GOP Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) did not oppose President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty in her State of the Union response on Tuesday evening. Ernst claimed that the “new Republican Congress you just elected” has “heard the message you sent

AP Photo/Susan Walsh