Jonathan Butler

Mizzou Misérable: Here’s What These Fascist Student Protesters Are Actually Demanding

The kiddie Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is in full swing. One the one hand, we’ve got the Pantywaist Fascists too timid to handle “microaggressions” but just aggressive enough to call the cops for hurt feelings, the racists who ban white students from their “safe spaces,” and their weak-kneed allies calling for “muscle” against reporters. On the other, we’ve got the intellectual flotsam of the Occupy Wall Street movement, insisting that the one-percenters at the banks that grant loans now hand that money over for free so that they can use it for their vital degree in gender studies and their concentration in lesbian dance theory.

University-of-Missouri-Turm (1)

Washington Post Columnist Goes after Breitbart Contributors over Missouri Reporting

Courtland Milloy took to his regular column in the Metro Section of the Washington Post this morning to attack two Breitbart contributors for their reporting on the ongoing racial meltdown at the University of Missouri. Milloy seemed incensed that Ben Shapiro and Lee Stranahan question the evidence of racism at MU and the motivation of the demonstrators.
