Michael Savage Warns: Stalled Immigration Agenda Leaves Trump Vulnerable
The status quo of demographic change via immigration — both lawful and unlawful — will destroy the Republican Party’s future political fortunes, warned Michael Savage.

The status quo of demographic change via immigration — both lawful and unlawful — will destroy the Republican Party’s future political fortunes, warned Michael Savage.
John Zmirak, senior editor at The Stream, called for the federal government to end contractual relationships with Catholic Church-affiliated nonprofits in response to revelations of senior Catholic officials’ involvement in sexual abuse and related cover-ups.
John Zmirak, senior editor at The Stream and author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism,” advocates use of financial pressure against the Catholic Church to address the sexual abuse scandal following Tuesday’s grand jury report regarding a systematic cover-up of sexual abuse in Pennsylvania dioceses.
John Zmirak, senior editor at TheStream.org, joined SiriusXM host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Sam Sorbo for a Friday interview on Breitbart News Tonight. He described recent events surrounding Alfie Evans as illustrative of state usurpation of parental rights and responsibilities over children.
John Zmirak, senior editor at The Stream, warned in an interview Tuesday on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak that China is “arming faster than Hitler was arming in the thirties.”
“Those who best realize the social doctrine of the church at this time are the Chinese,” Archbishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told the Italian newspaper La Stampa last Friday. “They seek the common good, subordinating all things to the general good.”
Pope Francis is under fire for “apparently” lying about not being fully informed that a Chilean priest he elevated to the role of bishop had allegedly “witnessed and took part in the sexual abuse of a child and covered it up,” said John Zmirak on Tuesday.
“This is like patriotic Nazis coming over to America trying to form more branches of the German-American Bund,” said John Zmirak of the admission of millions of “orthodox Sunni Muslims” into America and the broader West.
Pope Francis is pushing an “anti-American” and “anti-American worldview” via “hysterical leftist agitprop,” said The Stream’s Senior Editor John Zmirak on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.
In his 2018 wish list, John Zmirak, Senior Editor of The Stream and author of the new Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism, writes that he hopes Pope Francis “repents or else resigns” this year.
National Review “let themselves be turned into the propaganda wing of the neo-conservative movement” during the George W. Bush administration, while ignoring the ethnic cleansing of Iraq’s Christian communities under Bush’s watch, said John Zmirak, Senior Editor of The Stream and author of the new “Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism.”