John Oliver - Page 2

Rich Trzupek: Real Energy Expert Destroys John Oliver’s Ignorant, Profanity-Laced Rant About Coal

Last month, HBO funnyman John Oliver spent an episode of his show “Last Week Tonight” delivering a profanity-laced rant demonizing coal, coal-energy advocates, and presidents of the United States who don coal-miner hard-hats. He did so following the formula that Jon Stewart has used so successfully throughout his career: Be witty and quote a lot of apparent facts in order to back up your satirically-expressed opinion about any issue and hope your audience will accept you as an expert.


Report: John Oliver Used Tax Loophole Created by Trump On $9.5M NYC Apartment

Last Week Tonight host John Oliver has emerged as one of the leading anti-Donald Trump personalities in the entire media landscape, with his biting critiques often shared, discussed, and debated in the mainstream press. But according to a Wednesday report in the Observer, the late-night funnyman used a tax loophole created in part by Trump in the 1970s to allegedly avoid paying a large tax bill on the $9.5 million New York City apartment he purchased in 2014, just weeks after deriding tax breaks for the wealthy during a segment on his HBO show.


WATCH – Music Supergroup Tells Politicians: ‘Don’t Use Our Songs’

On the latest installment of HBO’s Last Night with John Oliver, the show’s host returned from his hiatus for a special episode and was joined by some of America’s top recording artists, who slammed Donald Trump and the Republican National Convention and warned politicians not to use their songs without permission on the campaign trail.


Vulgar Texas GOP County Chair: ‘I’m Donald Trump on Steroids’

“If the Republican Party wasn’t just doing damage-control at the national level this week, a number of local elections also threw-up terrifying results. Just look at Texas,” cracked John Oliver on Last Week Tonight. Oliver then pinpoints to the vulgar, newly-elected Travis County, Texas, GOP chair who calls himself “Donald Trump on Steroids.”


Ecuadorian Politician Sentenced to Jail for Anti-Government Tweets

An Ecuadorian politician has been sentenced to 15 days in jail for tweeting the fact that the niece of the nation’s Labor Minister has been placed in a lucrative government job. Popular Unity national deputy director Sebastián Cevallos has become the first person in Latin America to be sentenced to jail for tweeting.

Equador Politics, Mauricio Rodas AP

John Oliver Blasts NCAA for Not Compensating Athletes

On Sunday’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” on HBO, host John Oliver blasted the NCAA for not compensating its student athletes with anything besides food and a free education. The debate on whether or not student athletes should be
