Expert: Data Indicate Violent Crime Is Not Declining, It Is Just Not Being Reported
Crime expert John Lott said government data indicate that violent crime is not going down, contradicting FBI data showing that it is.

Crime expert John Lott said government data indicate that violent crime is not going down, contradicting FBI data showing that it is.
A report from John R. Lott Jr. shows that from 2014 to 2022 armed citizens stopped active shooters 8 times more often than the FBI claims.
A study conducted by FOX News Digital shows that higher gun ownership “[does] not correlate with more gun murders.”
Appearing on Steve Malzberg’s weekly Sunday commentary show “Eat the Press” Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of Gun Control Myths, blasted President Joe Biden’s recent gun control proposals, claiming they were based on “lies” and will endanger “blacks and hispanics” living in high crime urban areas.
Florida State Sen. Shevrin Jones (D) is pushing legislation to repeal the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law.
Economist and gun scholar John R. Lott, Jr., used a Wall Street Journal op-ed Monday to ask voters to imagine how American industry would look if we treated the Ford Motor Company the way Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden wants to treat Ruger, Daniel Defense, and Sig Sauer.
Billionaire Democrat presidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg is a staunch proponent of gun control for America with one caveat–he gets to spend his days surrounded by good guys with guns to keep him safe.
Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris used the weekend’s seventh anniversary of the Aurora movie theater shooting to push for more gun control.
House Democrats are pushing $50 million in annual funding to add academic researchers to the current gun control push.
Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott took the left’s go-to gun control study for mass shootings apart on December 14.
The site of the Thousand Oaks, California, mass shooting was a state-mandated gun-free zone.
Researcher Adam Lankford claims 31 percent of the world’s mass shootings occur in the U.S. but John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) says the actual U.S. percentage is “over 95 percent” lower than Lankford suggested.
The Washington Post fact-checked President Trump’s claim that “98 percent of all mass public shootings” occur in gun-free zones and gave him two Pinocchios on Thursday.
DACA-aged illegals commit crimes at twice the rate of young Americans, says a comprehensive summary of crimes and convictions in Arizona during the past 32 years.
Jordan Stein: Anything short of repealing the National Instant Check System (NICS) is the wrong move, both practically and in principle.
Despite debate over campus carry, empirical evidence proves that law-abiding citizens with guns on campus are just that–law-abiding.
A man in Halifax, Nova Scotia, faces numerous charges after wrestling a gun away from a home invasion suspect and shooting him with it.
A Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) study shows that concealed carry permit holders are among the most law-abiding of law-abiding citizens in the country.
Stanford prof. John Donahue claims states with “right to carry” for concealed carry permit issuance experience higher rates of violent crime.
Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, joined SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss his recent piece on gun control and radical Islamic terrorism.
Florida is on the verge of adopting enhanced Stand Your Ground measures to further protect the ability to use lethal force in self-defense, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch warns this could lead to more homicides in Missouri.
Many predicted professors would flee universities in KS and TX over campus carry but the hordes of resigning profs have not materialized.
Crime Prevention Research Center’s (CPRC) John Lott points out that police are convicted of gun crime at a higher rate than permit holders.
The Crime Prevention Research Center reports the demand for concealed carry witnessed its greatest surge ever between May 2016 and May 2017.
A study conducted by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows that U.S. counties with the highest murder rates are among those with the lowest rates of gun ownership.
Representative Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY-12) has introduced a bill requiring all traditional handguns to be retrofitted with “smart gun” technology before they can be sold.
Florida Republicans’ efforts to further shield citizens who use lethal force in self-defense is sending The New York Times into apoplexy.
While being questioned during confirmation hearings, Donald Trump’s Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos said the danger poised by “potential grizzlies” justifies keeping guns in schools.
A new study by John R. Lott, Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody shows that black crime suspects are more likely to be shot by black cops than by white cops.
The 2008 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) shows the U.S. as the 92nd highest for homicides among 192 other countries around the world. This agrees with a 2012 Congressional Research Services (CRS) report showing the firearm-related homicide rate in the U.S. fell sharply as private gun ownership began soaring post-1994.
Gun scholar John Lott discovered a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “coding error” which hid the fact that accidental gun deaths hit a record low in 2014.
Radio host John Cardillo claims that interview segments with noted gun scholar John Lott were included in the earliest version of Katie Couric’s gun control movie Under the Gun, but were taken out at Michael Bloomberg’s request following a private screening.
On May 31, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump weighed in on Katie Couric’s “fraudulent editing,” tweeting that she “should be ashamed” of herself.
Someone close to Katie Couric says the former morning show host regrets the insertion of an eight-second pause in her gun control film, Under the Gun, to make it appear as if pro-gun advocates could not properly answer a question.
More than 100 medical groups are pressuring Congress to fund more gun-control research even though fire and water lead to far more accidental child-deaths than do firearms.
A recently released Crime Research Prevention Center (CRPC) study on academics and concealed carry in the United States shows that economists’ consensus is overwhelmingly that concealed carry lowers crime.
On October 21, the Washington Post reported their estimate that the number of guns owned in America has doubled in the last 20 years.
When gun scholar John Lott met Barack Obama for the first time in 1996, he said Obama told him, “I don’t believe that people should be able to own guns.”
Everytown for Gun Safety researcher Ted Alcorn recently refused to debate Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott on CSPAN’s Washington Journal, but he assured viewers that his group is more than willing to debate any “credible scientist” who does not “minimize the issue of gun violence.”
On March 9, the Associated Press reported the results of a pro-gun control survey to show that Americans are losing interest in guns.