Jerry Brown - Page 9

Gov. Brown Wants $5.2 Billion Tax Increase to Fix Transportation  

Gov. Jerry Brown wants the Democrat-controlled state legislature to hike unpopular registration fees and fuel excise taxes by $5.2 billion a year to fix transportation over the next decade — after years of diverting $1.5 billion in transportation infrastructure taxes to subsidize California’s General Fund bond payments.

Jerry Brown (Alex Wong / Getty)

Jerry Brown Pushes Huge Tax Increase to Fix Roads

The highest taxed state in the nation is about to pay more in taxes as California Governor Jerry Brown won agreement from Democrat leaders to push through a long-overdue transportation bill funded by raising gas taxes and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) usage fees.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - MARCH 05: California governor Jerry Brown …

Jerry Brown Rejects Universal Health Care for California

California Governor Jerry Brown blasted President Donald Trump and House Republicans on Wednesday for their proposal to repeal and replace Obamacare. But he also rejected the idea of California providing a single-payer, universal health care system on its own.

Jerry Brown Obamacare protest (Susan Walsh / Associated Press)

Trump Approves Federal Emergency Aid for Oroville

President Donald Trump approved federal emergency relief funds Tuesday, following requests by California Governor Jerry Brown. The requests for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) aid pertain to flooding in January and the evacuation effort due to the risk of spillway collapse at the Oroville Dam.


Oroville Dam: Jerry Brown Asks Donald Trump for Aid

California Governor Jerry Brown has formally requested federal assistance from President Donald Trump to deal with the evacuation of nearly 200,000 people from the area below the Oroville Dam, where a spillway is near structural failure.

Jerry Brown (Alex Wong / Getty)