Jeremiah Wright 2.0: Kamala Harris’s Radical Pastor Blamed U.S. for 9/11
Vice President Kamala Harris’s pastor, Dr. Amos Brown of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, blamed the U.S. for the terror attack of September 11, 2001.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s pastor, Dr. Amos Brown of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, blamed the U.S. for the terror attack of September 11, 2001.
Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock, who has worked as senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta for 15 years, has come under heavy scrutiny for his past speeches, sermons, writings, and run-ins with police as he challenges Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election.
Raphael Warnock compares far-left hate-preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright to biblical prophets and describes his infamous “God damn America” sermon as a “very thoughtful and compelling discussion on how a Christian should view government.”
Facebook has censored an ad drawing attention to Democrat senate candidate Raphael Warnock’s praise for far-left hate-preacher Jeremiah Wright, known for his infamous line “God damn America.”
After Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) Executive Director Halie Soifer attacked Richard Grenell, President Trump’s recent choice to serve on the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, her comments were met with swift backlash, with Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton Klein releasing a statement condemning her “absurd” remarks.
AUGUSTA, Georgia — Vice President Mike Pence told Georgians Thursday that President Donald Trump, Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) have continued to pursue “American greatness,” while Georgia Senate Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff’s leftist policies would put America into a decline.
Georgia Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock’s mentor, Dr. James Cone, who fought against “satanic whiteness” and called for the “destruction of everything white” in society.
Georgia U.S. Senate Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock on Thursday discussed his record of anti-Israel statements and policies, including his relationship with the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock is struggling to defend his record of anti-Israel statements and policies, as Republicans raise the issue ahead of the Jan. 5 runoff election in the state.
Georgia Senate Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock has praised the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright on many occasions and praised Marxism as a way to “teach the black church.”
Never Trump leader Rick Wilson’s hypocrisy is not limited to now attacking those who support the Confederate flag after previously supporting it himself.
After months of searching, through hundreds of events, and among hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, the media finally found one antisemite at a Trump rally. Democrats and NeverTrump Republicans are apparently thrilled.
Hillary Clinton has made Donald Trump’s remarks about a federal judge, among others, the basis for a campaign accusing him of being a racist. It is worth visiting Clinton’s own history of making racially offensive comments for political gain.
Hillary Clinton is a red-hot garbage dumpster fire of a candidate.
Thursday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh reacted to President Barack Obama’s address to a mosque in Baltimore a day earlier. According to Limbaugh, it raised a larger question about Obama, which pertained to Obama “routinely”
Once again proving that the institution known as the DC Media is filled with nothing other than left-wing liars and propagandists, now that Barack Obama’s racist mentor/preacher and terrorist pal are off the table, to destroy Donald Trump, guilt-by-association is
In a speech in Washington, D.C., at the Louis Farrakhan/Black Lives Matter-inspired “Justice or Else!” event on the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, President Obama’s former Pastor Jeremiah Wright told the crowd, “Jesus was a Palestinian.
In world history, Jews have never had it better than they have for the last two decades. The rise of Israel as a strong international power made it possible for Jews to feel safer all over the planet; the fall
Reverend Jeremiah Wright touted “Boycott, divestment, and sanction” of Israel while arguing “Jesus was a Palestinian” and “Apartheid is going on in Palestine” at Saturday’s Justice or Else! Event in Washington, DC. Wright stated, “please remember, Jesus was a Palestinian, the
Politico reports that First Lady Michelle Obama, looking lovely and classy, greeted Pope Francis Tuesday while wearing a $2,290 dress. While the Obamas are not Catholics, this is still a finger-in-the-eye to a White House guest who frequently speaks out
The media are outraged that Donald Trump did not smack down a question from a member of the public who evidently believes President Barack Obama is a Muslim. Curiously, they continue to avoid talk of the church in which he embraced Christianity.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to face harsh criticism, at home and abroad, for remarks he made on Election Day warning that Arabs were being bused to the polls and voting in large numbers, threatening the future of the right-wing government. Netanyahu has since apologized to the Arab community. From a purely political perspective, however, the only thing that matters is that he won. That raises the question: what if Republicans had done the same in 2008 and 2012?
Rev. Jeremiah Wright spoke at Fresno State on Monday night, and in the mold of his protégé, Barack Obama, bent the truth for his audience.
Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani thinks that President Barack Obama doesn’t love America, and has now said so in public. He’s repeated the claim, several times, as he has been forced to defend it. Predictably, Democrats have seized on
In the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, the moment when the momentum shifted decisively against Hillary Clinton was when the New York Senator embroiled herself in a controversy over whether President Lyndon Baines Johnson or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deserved
The White House has hosted serial race-baiter Al Sharpton dozens of times, and has followed his cues in racially divisive controversies from the Trayvon Martin shooting to the ongoing “Black Lives Matter” protests, which have led to retaliatory violence against police across the nation. Moreover, President Barack Obama himself spent twenty years in the pews of the church of Jeremiah Wright in Chicago, enduring Wright’s racist sermons without comment or complaint, and contributing thousands of dollars to Wright’s fundraising efforts